Tentative USHGA BOD Agenda

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Tentative USHGA BOD Agenda

Post by Spark »

For those interested in attending the meeting next weekend in Rochester:

--- In RochesterAreaFlyers@yahoogroups.com, katrin.parsiegla@k... wrote:

In case you aren't aware, RAF members (and any other local PG and/or HG pilots) are welcome to attend the USHGA BOD meetings. Jayne would like to know if anyone is planning to attend. Lisa Tate will present the
strategic plan to the full board during general session on Friday morning.
Her presentation may last two hours. The officers and the executive
director will speak first. Jayne's presentation will be short in light of
the presentation for the strategic plan. Below is the tentative agenda. Please let Jayne or me know if you are planning to come to some or all of these meetings.

Tentative meeting schedule:

Thursday, October 20 EC meeting 9 AM to 5 PM. Directors and guests are invited to attend. A closed session may be announced at a later date. Directors and guests may be asked to leave for the duration of the closed session only.

Thursday, October 20 in the evening. Financial Redistribution meeting. Location and time to be announced.

Friday, October 21, General Session 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM

Friday, October 21, Committee meetings immediately following the General Session. Rooms to be announced later.
Committee meetings end 5:30 PM at the latest due to reception with local flying clubs.

Friday, October 21, Reception/Barbecue with the Rochester Area Flyers off site from the hotel. (Another New York club may be involved as well.)
Time and location to be announced. Dinner and drinks planned.

Friday, October 21, Financial Redistribution Meeting later in the evening until... Location to be announced.

Saturday, October 22, General Session 8:30 AM

Saturday, October 22, Committee meetings immediately following the General Session.

Saturday, October 22, Exact time to be announced. Officer Elections 6 PM. Elections for directors-at large and honorary directors to be held in conjunction with officer elections Saturday evening. (New officers assume their official positions at the close of the meeting on Sunday at noon.)

Saturday, October 22, Financial Redistribution meeting later in the evening until....

Sunday, October 23, General Session Only. 8 AM to noon. No committee meetings.
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