Words of Wisdom

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Location: Houston, Tx

Words of Wisdom

Post by ChuckPyle »

Okay folks.? My two "passions" (hang gliding and motorcycling) are taking their toll.? To paraphrase Lauren "enough is enough!".?
Let's keep in mind those now-imortal (and prohetic) words of John Middleton, "Ed, you're going to let your enthusiasm for this sport kill you!".? John (if I may speak for him) was trying to explain to Ed Reno that his desire to stay in the air was overriding his judgement and training.? For those pilots that didn't know him ......... we had the "opportunity" to celebrate?Ed's life too ........................
Fly safe and don't let your enthusiasm take precedence over your judgement.
Chuck --?in Texas (Still missisng you all)

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