Flying Queenstown

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Location: Queenstown, New Zealand

Flying Queenstown

Post by jimrooney »

Here's what I know about flying in Queenstown NZ so far. As far as hang gliders go, bring your own wing. It's all tandem here. I mean it's ALL tandem here.

I went PG'ing yesterday and a solo hang glider showed up in the LZ... so naturally I had to pester the guy. It seems that if you go elsewhere in NZ, you can maybe find a wing to fly. Dunedin or Christchurch seemed like a good bet. I'd check out Aukland maybe also.

Here in Queenstown though, it's Paragliders. There are some tandem HG places, but that's it. Kevin Coltrain (Kitty Hawk Kites) is here to maybe start some training hill action going, but he's having trouble finding training gliders to teach with.

As for me... I'm likely to just fly the bag this "summer".
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