Remembrance of Bill Priday

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Remembrance of Bill Priday

Post by hang_pilot »

Good morning, friends.
In the fall issue of the Skyline, we will feature a remembrance section in honor of Bill.? Scott Wilkinson will edit.? I am requesting that you please send directly to Scott, (, your submissions:? some ideas might be characteristic moments, general impressions, Bill’s love of flying, flying stories, best wishes for his family and loved ones…whatever moves you.? We need your photographs, too. ?Some of you have already posted touching thoughts to this list; thank you for being generous with your feelings.? Scott might select certain of those posts to include.? If you want to edit or elaborate on what you’ve already written, please do so and forward the finished segment to Scott.?
We will send copies of the Skyline to Bill’s family with our collective condolences. ??For those of you on this list who are not CHGPA members, you will be able to view the remembrance when we put the Skyline on-line. ?As I have mentioned privately to Scott, from the short time I spent with Bill at the repack and fly-in weekends, I enjoyed enough of an introduction to his warm personality to imagine how difficult his passing?must be for everyone who was close to him.? I hope that this small gesture will provide some comfort to Bill’s loved ones in the knowledge that he was cared about by many.
Please contact me off-list if you have any comments or other ideas, (
If you know of any other pilots who are not on this list who might want to submit a remembrance, please forward this e-mail to them.
With tears in my eyes,
Daniel Broxterman
301-275-6584 Cellular

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