The weekend at Highland

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Dan T
Posts: 1082
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:58 pm
Location: Northern VA

The weekend at Highland

Post by Dan T »

Saturday and Sunday were two very pleasant days at Highland. Very few pilots
there and good to excellent conditions. Saturday was a flight of just under
an hour and 4100 msl. Sunday was an XC of just under 9 miles to the north for
me. On Sunday I got to lead the way in front of Ric N. and Christian (sp?)
for the first 4 or 5 miles and managed to stay with them for 8 miles or so.
The thermals were relatively fat but light and the differences in speed in the
gliders made it impossible to keep up. None-the-less, a nice weekend and a
nice time.

Craig S had four flights over two days totalling a couple of hours.
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