WS yesterday

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WS yesterday

Post by garys »

Great day at WS yesterday. Pulled up to launch about 2:00. Nobody there. Joe was digging his basement out and pouring concrete and said he would show up about 4:00. Launched about 3:30 into 10-15 NW. with clouds streeting up across the valley. Beauty of a day. Adam and Hubbel showed up next, then Joe. All launched well and climbed out. I flew south to the gap, turned north back to the tower pulled up under a street and headed out to the WS water tower on rt 81. Topped out at 3200 over at the tower then shot back to the ridge. Spiraled down to loose altitude and landed in the primary. Two + hrs. Joe landed 15 minutes later. Joe & I hiked across the river and half way up the road to launch before we caught a ride. Several cars passed us because we looked like a couple of creatures from the black lagoon after crossing the river and hiking through the overgrown fields.
Gary Smith
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