Pulpit Fly-In 2005

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Pulpit Fly-In 2005

Post by hang_pilot »

Thanks to everyone who supported the McConnellsburg Hang Gliding and Paragliding Festival!
The energy at the event was incredibly positive; all the pilots who participated have to be fired up about our free-flight community. There were many folks who deserve special acknowledgement, but as I’m going to write an article for the Skyline, I won’t go into details here.? For now, consider yourself loved! ?I’m sending Chris McKee your way for a spooning.
We will hold the awards ceremony for the flying competition at the fall meeting, Wednesday, October 26th, at 8 pm.? The location is still TBD, stay tuned for an update closer to the date. You will be able to pick up your commemorative t-shirt at that time.? As you know, the festival is a fundraising event.? ?It is run on a small margin with profits going to the McConnellsburg volunteer fire department.? Last year we donated $233.? By waiting until after the event to order shirts, we don’t waste money on extras and can make a larger donation.? If you cannot attend the meeting, we will mail a shirt to you.? I have arranged a donation to cover the postage expense.?
At the fall next meeting we will hopefully have a presentation from a member of the Shenandoah Mountain Rescue Group (http://www.smrg.org/smrg/DesktopDefault.aspx) on procedures to follow when you are the first to arrive at an accident scene.? Thanks go to Karen Carra for suggesting the idea.? It will be a fun and informative meeting, so please keep that date free. ?No excuses!
I hope to fly with all of my friends again this weekend!
cell 301.275.6584 ?

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