neck harness

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neck harness

Post by hepcat1989 »

I may be needing to make a neck support thingie for my helmet. Has anyone done this before? How do I attach it to my helmet? Where can I buy the Bungie cord itself?( without the hooks attached?)The pulley I can get at Lowe's I think. I would like to try this method for a while until I can Rehab my chicken neck! Thank You . I had fun!!!!!!! Shawn.
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neck harness

Post by drice21037 »

I have built one and fly with it all the time. I bought all of the parts at a
marine supply store and they're nothing exotic.

I'll show it to you at the fly-in if you'd like.

Dave aka 'Pencil Neck'

Quoting hepcat1989 <>:

> I may be needing to make a neck support thingie for my helmet. Has anyone
> done this before? How do I attach it to my helmet? Where can I buy the
> Bungie cord itself?( without the hooks attached?)The pulley I can get at
> Lowe's I think. I would like to try this method for a while until I can Rehab
> my chicken neck! Thank You . I had fun!!!!!!! Shawn.
Richard Hays
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neck harness

Post by Richard Hays »

Chris Starbuck used to use surgical tubing attached to his helmet. It was
attached to his caribiner and lead to the back of his helmet. Chris is
paralyzed from the waist down.

Chris was invovled in a hanggliding accident flying off of ( I think ) Mt.
Washington in New Hampshire . Flying seated...he impacted very hard on his
butt and became a parapalygic ( spelling...sorry ). We used to keel launch
him off High Rock using wheels. He was a fantastic pilot. I last saw him in
Cape Cod, Mass. around 1987.

Rich Hays

>From: "hepcat1989" <>
>Subject: neck harness
>Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:53:17 -0400
>I may be needing to make a neck support thingie for my helmet. Has anyone
>done this before? How do I attach it to my helmet? Where can I buy the
>Bungie cord itself?( without the hooks attached?)The pulley I can get at
>Lowe's I think. I would like to try this method for a while until I can
>Rehab my chicken neck! Thank You . I had fun!!!!!!! Shawn.
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Post by Scott »

Here's one nice-looking solution (see the article on this page called "Why not fly for ten hours?")...

In a later Oz Report, there was discussion about possible safety issues with any of these systems (e.g., what happens to your head/neck if you pound in hard and spin around?). But using bungee cords might reduce the hazard...

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Post by rancerupp »

Something about this sounds kinda like a complicated noose. Wouldn't just a simple rope and a tree work? ROTF LOL. I have NO idea what you are talking about but it sure is entertaining. :)
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Post by garys »

I made a support system to help support the extra weight of a helmet cam. It really does help. For fastening to the helmet, I used a 1.5 inch dia. vacuum cup with a steel hook in the back (from Lowes) which I superglued to the back of my helmet. I then took a light weight bungie with steel hooks on the ends and put one end through the vacuum cup hook and the other end to the carabiner. I closed the hooks down so they would not come loose and it just seemed that they would be less likely to catch on anything that way. I did have to snug up one end of the bungie cord for a little more tension by pulling the bungie through the eye on one end of the bungie and retying the knot. I also found the "sweet spot" for the vacuum cup by hanging in my harness and placing the cup on my helmet in a few different places before things just felt right. The sweet spot was furthur back than I would have thought. I then used super glue to make sure the vacuum cup would stay in place.
Gary Smith
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