Soooo much fun at Quest

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Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:27 pm

Soooo much fun at Quest

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Paul, Kevin, and I flew at Quest yesterday, in conditions that were forecast to be marginal. Kev asked before we launched if I thought he should put a Tshirt on. I said yes, and donned some speed sleeves myself. This was a good move!
Lift was everywhere, and we all raced around the sky together, fighting for the best climb. Most of the climbs were only 300 up at best, but I spent most of the flight at 5500 or higher -- FREEZING cold. You should see this friggin' Litespeed glider of mine -- I spent lots of the flight with one hand one the basetube thermalling. She just doesn't come down. I kept thinking I needed to get lower and warm up, probably land, but then the climb would be so great and I would think maybe if I got up again I could practice flying upright, or steep turns, or... I am so cheap. Omigod it was fun.
Paul disappeared somewhere and I was tempted to go with him, but I really should spend another week practicing approaches. I feel really good about them but I need to make my practice harder so I am better prepared for XC.
After an hour and forty minutes I absolutely had to land -- I was totally frozen. My vario kept beeping over the field, in spite of me begging, "Oh no, please, I have had enough..." I had a great landing in almost no wind and that just made the day perfect. I was sitting out on that big field by myself, saying YES!
Anyhow this is just a silly post but I can't wipe this huge grin off my face. Paul landed down by Deen Still (on the way to Wallaby) which Kev has been razzing him about ever since ("Good job on the task, Paul").
Our glider rack collapsed on the way home and Kevin says that is how you can tell when your glider needs to go on a diet. Anyhow, things are pretty great. I hope the Pulpit is honkin' for you this weekend!
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