Tree landing incident at Bill's Hill

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Tree landing incident at Bill's Hill

Post by Spark »

A paraglider pilot landed in the top of an ~60' tall 8" diameter tree at Bill's on Sunday (9/11/05) - about 100' back from the west edge of the field. The pilot was uninjured, and was able to climb down without injury, leaving equipment in the tree. I don't know if the equipment was retrieved successfully.

I'm posting this with the hope that the pilot will provide an incident report. I'm certain that there are some valuable lessons that could be shared, to the benefit of all.
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Post by Matthew »

If you are below launch at Bill's and not maintaining or climbing, head out to the LZ. It doesn't matter if you are flying a PG or a topless HG. This will give you a much better chance of catching something out in the valley and also get you closer to the LZ if you hit the sink monster. A decision to work lift out in the valley depends on your glide ratio and altitude. But if you have even the slightest suspision that you might not make the LZ when you hit some lift, then keep going to the LZ. If things aren't as dire, do a couple of figure 8s in the lift first before commiting to 360s. If you are really low, head to one of the cut-outs on either side of the LZ. Know which way the wind is crossing and head to the downwind cut-out. The wind is almost always somewhat cross at Bill's. There is usally some lift associated with the tree lines at each of these cut-out and this will give you enough air to make it into the LZ proper.

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