How to cross post?

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How to cross post?

Post by mcelrah »

So, after yesterday's nice day at Woodstock, we have PG stuff on the HG forum and HG stuff on the PG forum. I guess this may be obvious to some, but I can't figure out how to move stuff around. Moreover, this begs the question of why we have separate fora for different style wings - if we were all flying the same air at the same site, HG pilots helping extricate a PG from a tree... - Hugh
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Post by markc »

I don't think that phpBB supports cross-posting between forums
in its 'native' state.

When I need to do that, I simply copy the contents of my post
to a local temp file (prior to hitting the 'Submit' button) and then
use it to post a second time in the other forum.

(this approach is especially helpful if you have any HTML or
BBCode formatting in your post that required significant effort
to get right)

There might be a phpBB add-on/mod that supports cross-posting.
If someone wants to research that, I'll handle the install.


As to the forum structure : I can imagine a generic "flying plans
and flying reports" that is all-inclusive, and then perhaps additional
HG-specific and PG-specific forums?

But I suspect that the HG/PG specific forums would see little use
after such a change, so it might really boil down to whether we want
a single forum for all aspects of HG/PG discussion.

Which some might like, and some might not... Perhaps you could
create a poll to see if people would like that sort of change, and/or
bring it up at the January meeting?

One reason for having a PG-specific area is to make sure PG pilots
feel that they are as welcome as HG pilots. As some have observed
in the PG forum, the PGers as a whole seem to be pretty quiet. Not
sure if a combined HG/PG forum would improve things, or make
them even quieter?


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