Just thought I'd touch base for the first time in ages. Holly and I are still around, and haven't given up on flying (though we haven't flown in six months). Holly's still been incredibly busy at her Ernst & Young job, and we've been doing a lot of work on the house and yard (plus tons of taxi service for my 14-year-old daughter who's on the swim team—ugh!).
I quit my job of ten years back at the end of August. Before searching for a new job, I decided to take a little trip on my own. That trip ended up being (almost) life-changing: I rode my KLR650 motorcycle 5,000 miles to the northern tip of Newfoundland and back.
I was on the road for most of October and the first week of November. It was an amazing trip to amazing lands—I rode through New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, then (after a 5-hour ferry ride) up the west coast of Newfoundland. Here are a few photos...
At a spectacular cliff overlooking the Gulf of St. Lawrence near Corner Brook, Newfoundland...
Along a dirt road near Trout River Pond in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland...
At L'Anse aux Meadows, a 1,000-year-old site and the earliest confirmed habitation of Europeans in North America (400 years before Columbus)...
Near Capstick, on the north coast of Cape Breton Island...
The spectacular Cabot Trail, a highway through the Cape Breton Highlands National Park...
Though many thought I was nuts for riding north to Newfoundland in October, I had incredible luck with the weather—mostly sunny days with temps from the upper 30s (in the morning) to the 50s by mid-afternoon. The KLR is a fantastic bike, and worth every bit of its legendary status as an adventure bike that people have ridden around the world and to Tierra del Fuego and back.
Anyway, I'm getting all the pics up on my website, and will post the link when they're all online. Meanwhile, I'm back home now and getting geared up to find work. Holly and I are both jonesing to fly again...so if there is a nice and not--too--cold weekend in the next month, we'll be heading down to Blue Sky to re-earn our H3s and AT ratings!