Cheney's conbat experience

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Joe Schad
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Cheney's conbat experience

Post by Joe Schad »

Well I guess Dick finally got some combat experience of the republican leadership sort. He even got out with out a scratch. Of course it was a case of fratracide but at least it was not a fatality. He does have experience with this sort of thing. He has been shooting holes in American values and integrety for five years now. The problem is he does not see the bleeding of our country in the comfortable millionaire set he lives in.

The brain of King George lives on.

Marco Zee
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Post by Marco Zee »

Of course, as we all recall the last Dem Prez, Bill Clinton, that great defender of American values and integrity, was an avowed draft dodger, and wrote that he 'loathed the military".

But wasn't it fun to watch the white house press corps go ballistic over being left out of the loop!!! They were downright despondent when they realized that the victim of the shooting accident was going to survive. They were hoping, as were many Dems, that the guy would die (then Cheney could be charged with awesome would that have been????) .......a revealing public display of their values and integrity, or LACK THEREOF.

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Cheney straight-shooter

Post by mcelrah »

Well, at least he got a lawyer... - Hugh
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Post by mcelrah »

[quote="Marco Zeewasn't it fun to watch the white house press corps go ballistic over being left out of the loop!!! Marco[/quote]

Yeah, I hold no brief for the craven, bottom-feeding press, but you can understand why there is no/no trust for the White House press secretary: this is the guy who said Scooter Libby and Karl Rove had nothing to do with outing Valerie Plame, which turned out to be a patent lie. The press secretary has been emasculated and hung out to dry by his own bosses - they might as well just post a recorded message... - Hugh
Marco Zee
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Post by Marco Zee »

Hey Hugh,

Maybe Cheney should receive some sort of special award for winging that lawyer LOL. Kinduva good precedent to initiate LOL. What was it that Shakespeare said....."first, kill all the lawyers"?

As for the Press Sec "lying" about Plame, Plame & Wilson outed themselves when they began writing op-ed in national magazines more than 5 years after serving in a foreign assignment ( ie she was no longer covert).....even Fitzpatrick has not charged anyone with "outing of a covert agent", so at best, it is an open question if the PressSec lied about anything. Liberal icon, Bob Woodward, claims that he knew about Plame & Wilson a month or more before she was outed by Novak's column.

It is proper, however, for the press corps to be vigilant and critical about anything the govt says, but they should not do so in an arrogant and insulting manner. Their behavior this past week was more akin to a temper tantrum than serious journalism....but what else would you expect from a bunch of liberal Rather-fiction reporting-wannabees. This tantrum was a defining moment for the pathetic White House press corps.

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Cheney straight-shooter

Post by mcelrah »

Nah, Bush-Cheney have cornered the market on arrogant/insulting. All that's left for the press is petulant/pissed off. This president came in with low expectations, but has nevertheless managed to surprise us with his incompetence and bungling. What is left to us but withering contempt for the invincible ignorance of this third-rater as he squanders our economic and geopolitical capital? Hopefully this miserable performance will drive a stake through the heart of the party of organized greed, but the damage to our nation may be irreversible. - Hugh
Marco Zee
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Post by Marco Zee »

Like most good Liberals these days, you guys are full of derogatory remarks: corrupt, arrogant, incompetent, greedy, third rate, ignorant, miserable, contemptuous, etc... Perhaps it soothes your sensibilities that you all are so much smarter than Bush and his administration. Hey, whatever fantasies you guys want to dream up to help ya get thru the night is ok by me. Enjoy your anger and self-righteousness.

Too bad that you "brilliant" chaps cannot come up with a "better plan" to solve America's problems, and that's why you keep losing elections and are seen as weak on national security issues.

You may not like what Bush is doing, but until your side comes up with something better to present to the electorate, you guys will be continue your losing ways, and continue to be on the outside looking in.
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