Tuesday flying?

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Tuesday flying?

Post by alek »

Another great forecast for tomorrow. Who's interested?
Joe Schad
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Location: Strasburg, VA

Post by Joe Schad »

I plan to try Woodstock tuesday. LZ at 12:30.

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Post by stevek »

I will observe you Alek
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Post by alek »

How much more encouraging can it get?

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Tuesday flying?

Post by carweill »

I will join you at around 1:00pm LZ.
If I don't see anyone I'll go to the top

Cell 240-7313139

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Post by alek »

It was a beautiful day at Woodstock. Clear and warm. Carlos launched first a little after 2:00 pm and Steve declared the day soarable. Wesley and myself launched shortly thereafter. There was plenty of lift and I got up to 2000 over. After about 45 minutes on the ridge I head out into the valley and boated around for another half hour or so. Joe Schad flew to his house and Steve seemed to get really high, but I'll let them tell their own stories. Later on Adam, Hubble and anther pilot flew as well.

How is it looking for tomorrow?
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Tuesday flying?

Post by carweill »

Launch at around 2:00PM as Alek, the instigator, mentioned and almost immediately I was 500 over. It was purely a thermal day, and that created some turbulence. Most of the flight was searching for them, taking it easy. Except at one point as I found one thermal with relative strength that took the glider behind the ridge, on those conditions I like to be about 60 degrees or more and definitely no less than 45 degrees. After a few turns it was growing weaker I chose the get out of it. I started at 1300 over and I was quickly loosing altitude. At that point I made an alternate plan to scope an LZ behind the ridge, I was making forward progress and cross the ridge at a little less than 200 over. After spending some more time on the ridge, the arms got tired and went to the LZ, my highest at the ridge was about 1500 over, but over the LZ without any effort I was 2000 over. As I was working my way down a number of cows gather around Alek?s glider, they have been multiplying from last time I was there. Overall an enjoyable day.

Posts: 450
Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:01 am

Post by stevek »

this is from Joe Schad posted on the old list server. I think he is having some problems getting on the forum

Woodstock was exceptionally good. I launched around three and got right up with the rest of the crowd. Hung around launch watching Steve get to launch and then launch. Thought he was going to go Strasburg with me. About three fingers north caught my first thermal to two grand over and lost nearly a thousand crossing the wide treed finger north. A finger south of the reservoir I got a thermal to three grand over and decided to try to fly straight toward the Strasburg high school and the field that I wanted to land in. Lift was abundant and I maintained 2400-3000 over all the way to the school where I found another good thermal that got me to 3700 over. Spend the next forty minutes cruising around Strasburg and talking to Zelda at my house. The whole neighbor hood was out watching me fly around. Max altitude was 3900. I landed near my house. Next time I will hike my glider home. Great Day.
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