A short educational filmstrip

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A short educational filmstrip

Post by mcelrah »

Not sure I want to participate in another blatantly partisan electronic "chain letter", but can't resist.? Fair warning:? do not click if you don't want to see "disrespect" for the president.- Hugh

Begin forwarded message:
From: Tom Harrington <morrotom@charter.net (morrotom@charter.net)>
Date: 11 February 2006 13:09:29 GMT-05:00
To: Mark Bryan <mbryan@kcbx.net (mbryan@kcbx.net)>, Susan Wood <susan@ioulex.com (susan@ioulex.com)>, Jeremy Wakefield <j4slo@aol.com (j4slo@aol.com)>, Hugh McElrath <mcelrah@verizon.net (mcelrah@verizon.net)>, Whitney McIlvaine <whitleymacaroon@hotmail.com (whitleymacaroon@hotmail.com)>
Subject: A short educational filmstrip

Dear Fellow American or UnAmerican - I urge you to take a moment and watch
the following filmstrip at http://filmstripinternational.com. Be sure to
have flash enabled and your speakers turned on. You may also want to make
sure your right wing hosebag boss is at lunch.

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