Sunday at Aquasco Speedway

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Sunday at Aquasco Speedway

Post by stevek »

Is anybody out there old enough to remember that?

Not a bad day at the Rock . Carlos, Mathew, me and Karen kicked butt. Spark and John Middleton arrived late and got butt kicked. Still, think they both made it over launch (albeit briefly) at some point.
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Sunday at Aquasco Speedway

Post by Spark »

Nope, Steve, I'm not old enough : )

Today was the first time I've flown both the Pulpit and High Rock in one day
... two different flights, two different gliders, two very different flights

The Pulpit flight wasn't pretty. I flew the Moyes CSX and made the mistake
of picking up too much speed right after launch. The CSX gets kinda
squirrely when you fly it fast without VG.

So I launched and proceeded to roll 30 degrees left, then right, then 15
degrees, then 5 degrees ... blew some key altitude trying to get the wing
level. Of course, then I couldn't get above the ridge and blew more
altitude trying.

So I signed up to land a flippin' slippery blade wing in the bailout LZ.
Arrived with maybe 200', made a base-leg and got rolled hard to the outside
(by a thermal popping off in the LZ) just when I wanted to turn right onto
final. I almost ran of of room (and time) rolling back to the right. As I
turned onto final, all the sudden, my nose is pointed down at the road ...
and I was ground skimming 10 feet past the road. I rounded out and landed
in less than 100 feet .. not entirely on both feet, either. On the other
hand, no bent aluminium, or bones.

... and I had a tail wind. I'm thinking maybe I was getting some rotor from
the trees ...

I had a mini-DV cam mounted on the keel. That last 30 seconds of video is
pretty interesting - especially my remark whilst pointed nearly vertical..

So while I'm grovelling in the bail-out, Tom and Kelvin are OTB, headed
towards Greencastle, and everyone else is high and havin' a good old time.

So, I figured I'd go to the Rock.

I made the crossing in a record 45 minutes and arrived with just enough time
to fly the Falcon. The wind crossed N and started to die while I was on
the block. I made maybe 4 passes and then headed to the rock pile and got
zilch. Headed out to land and hit a N headwind. Arrived at the LZ with
maybe 100'.

Andy Harrah met me in the LZ and provided a ride back to my car. We got to
the gate with 30 minutes 'til sundown and these two guys in green in a
HumVee with helmets and guns were locking the gate. I sure was happy when
they opened the gate, let us drive by and waited for us to return.

(h) 301.766.0485
(c) 301.462.8320

>From: "stevek" <>
>Subject: Sunday at Aquasco Speedway
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:55:31 -0500
>Is anybody out there old enough to remember that?
>Not a bad day at the Rock . Carlos, Mathew, me and Karen kicked butt.
>Spark and John Middleton arrived late and got butt kicked. Still, think
>they both made it over launch (albeit briefly) at some point.
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Pulpit Sunday

Post by dbodner »

Sparky's launch looked great, but as soon as he left the ramp the bottom just dropped out from under him. I remember sucking in my breath as I thought I was going to witness a tree landing.

I was the next launch after Sparky. It took skill to get up and stay up in the North cross; hence, I landed after 10 minutes with a max of 150 over (measured from setup area). Still, it felt great to dust off the cobwebs that had gathered since Woodstock the week of Christmas.
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Sunday at Aquasco Speedway

Post by brianvh »

Whew...a tree landing is actually the better of some bad scenarios
witnessed at the Pulpit launch. Glad everything worked out.

Brian Vant-Hull

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005, dbodner wrote:

> Sparky's launch looked great, but as soon as he left the ramp the bottom just dropped out from under him. I remember sucking in my breath as I thought I was going to witness a tree landing.
> I was the next launch after Sparky. It took skill to get up and stay up in the North cross; hence, I landed after 10 minutes with a max of 150 over (measured from setup area). Still, it felt great to dust off the cobwebs that had gathered since Woodstock the week of Christmas.David Bodner
> (703)516-7101
> (703)946-0123 (cell)
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Sunday at Aquasco Speedway

Post by silverwings »

Yes I vaguely remember Aquasco Speedway but why did you title your post that way? Even though I got to the Rock late and only got a sled, it sure was nice to fly!
john middleton (202)409-2574 c
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