Request for PC Technical Support recommendations

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Marlin Savell
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Request for PC Technical Support recommendations

Post by Marlin Savell »

I need a reputable PC Technical support recommendation for the Northern VA area. Do any of our resident geeks have any suggestions? I live in Burke VA. My first inclination was to check out Micro Center services as opposed to Best Buy and the like.

What?s needed you ask? Motivating Factor ? My 3 year Gateway service warrantee runs out by 3/16

The primary issue is pixilation on my LCD monitor (FPD1810). This is my fourth monitor in three years, the other three monitors died. Gateway won?t replace it because the self test ?reads/appears ok?. The graphics card was replaced with the last Monitor so it should not be a contributing factor, and all drivers are up to date.

The secondary need is to have all of Mr. Gates service patches brought up to date on my PC for Windows XP and Internet Explorer. I don?t have the time to deal with it so I put it off. Since I need the display issue researched I may as well get the software upgrades done at the same time.

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I hope to be flying again by this fall. I?m sidelined for now working on my PMI PMP certification.
Marlin S.
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Request for PC Technical Support recommendations

Post by mchevalier »

Marlin Savell wrote:
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I need a reputable PC Technical support recommendation for the Northern VA area. Do any of our resident geeks have any suggestions? I live in Burke VA. My first inclination was to check out Micro Center services as opposed to Best Buy and the like.

What’s needed you ask? Motivating Factor – My 3 year Gateway service warrantee runs out by 3/16

The primary issue is pixilation on my LCD monitor (FPD1810). This is my fourth monitor in three years, the other three monitors died. Gateway won’t replace it because the self test “reads/appears ok”. The graphics card was replaced with the last Monitor so it should not be a contributing factor, and all drivers are up to date.

The secondary need is to have all of Mr. Gates service patches brought up to date on my PC for Windows XP and Internet Explorer. I don’t have the time to deal with it so I put it off. Since I need the display issue researched I may as well get the software upgrades done at the same time.

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I hope to be flying again by this fall. I’m sidelined for now working on my PMI PMP certification.

Marlin S.

Technical support. Pixilation.? Three dead monitors. New graphics card. Drivers.? Mr Gates service patches.? JEEZE!? Why don't you get a Mac????????? MC
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Request for PC Technical Support recommendations

Post by MikeBalk »

If you go with a store, Microcenter is better than Best Buy for service and support.? Their people know as much about computers as any computer store, and you won’t see a fridge or washing machine in the store.? They do computers.
Other alternatives are? to hire someone to come to your place, or some such.? I’ve heard mixed review on those services.
Good luck!
-Mike Balk

From: Marlin Savell []
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 12:21 AM
Subject: Request for PC Technical Support recommendations

I need a reputable PC Technical support recommendation for the Northern VA area. Do any of our resident geeks have any suggestions? I live in Burke VA. My first inclination was to check out Micro Center services as opposed to Best Buy and the like.

What’s needed you ask? Motivating Factor – My 3 year Gateway service warrantee runs out by 3/16

The primary issue is pixilation on my LCD monitor (FPD1810). This is my fourth monitor in three years, the other three monitors died. Gateway won’t replace it because the self test “reads/appears ok”. The graphics card was replaced with the last Monitor so it should not be a contributing factor, and all drivers are up to date.

The secondary need is to have all of Mr. Gates service patches brought up to date on my PC for Windows XP and Internet Explorer. I don’t have the time to deal with it so I put it off. Since I need the display issue researched I may as well get the software upgrades done at the same time.

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I hope to be flying again by this fall. I’m sidelined for now working on my PMI PMP certification.

Marlin S.
Flying Lobster
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Dead monitors?

Post by Flying Lobster »

Hi Marlin:

You still flying that ol Formula? I have one you can have for free at Ellis's--even has spare LE, all you have to do is go get it!

I've never had a monitor die--much less 3 of em--so I'm guessing the problem is with your computer. Could be a myriad of reasons why your box aint driving your monitor, but with today's prices you can get a new box for less than all the aggravation of dealing with repairs and new cards. The other day I was in Walmart looking for printer cartridges for my printer when I discovered--believe it or not--it cost less to buy a new printer with the cartridge in it rather than a replacement cartridge! May our landfills rejoice!

I'm a big fan of e-machines at Walmart cause they are about the cheapest bagain basement computers out there--and I hate spending money on computers. I've used them for years and they work as well as any brand out there for average home/business use. In addition, they come with an on-board software which is a trouble-shooter/patch fixer/autoupdater which is by far the best utility I have ever seen on any manufacturer's machine.

Do you use a surge protector for all your connections to power (and internet)?

Great Googly-moo!
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