Bush--No lies

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Flying Lobster
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Bush--No lies

Post by Flying Lobster »

I watched Bush's speech this morning on the tele--and I have to admit that I no longer believe that he actually lied to the American people in the run-up to war.

I now believe he's delusional and quite possibly out of his mind.

Great Googly-moo!
Marco Zee
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Post by Marco Zee »

Hey Marc,

You are making slow, but steady progress.
You are right that Bush did not lie in the run-up to the war.
But you are wrong that he is delusional or out of his mind.

So that makes you 50% right on this post....much better than your usual postings average.

Maybe, after the next Iraqi election, you will be discover that the Iraqi's actually desire democracy, and that Bush did the right thing by removing Saddam and helping to establish democracy. That will be a tough pill to swallow for you, but you won't be alone.

Joe Schad
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Post by Joe Schad »

BUSH lies but not as well as Cheney. Corrupt to the core and history will show they are worse than Nixon and Agnew.

One of the things that I find so insulting is how Bush uses our troops as backdrops for so many of his speechs. He does not have the courage to go out to speak to crowds of people that can't be screened or controlled as the military troops are constrained. He has had the fewest news conferences of any president and only gives them on short notice.

Bush will pull out thousands of troops this next year and declare significant progress and victory in Iraq before the congressional elections. He will use the war to get Republicans elected as he has done in the past. Reality does not play a role in his decisions.

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Bush--No lies

Post by MikeBalk »

Joe, you need to ammend that first paragraph. A survey of historians have
Bush as giving James Buchanan a run for the title of Worst President Ever!
Not just worse than Nixon or Agnew, but worse than any president before!
(Buchanan through action and inaction and pandering set into play the
actions that caused the Civil War.)

Of course it will take years before it can be made official. Latest in the
news is the war profiteering.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Schad [mailto:jgs1942@shentel.net]

BUSH lies but not as well as Cheney. Corrupt to the core and history will
show they are worse than Nixon and Agnew.
Marco Zee
Posts: 340
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Location: Bel Air

Post by Marco Zee »

What survey of "historians" are you talking about? Is there a weblink to this info to which you are referring?
Could it possibly be at moveon.org? Or at KillBush.org?


PS: Almost 5 million new jobs over the past 2.5 years....215,000 in November 05. Projected growth of 3% for the next few years.
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Bush--No lies

Post by mcelrah »

...declining personal income for 5 years straight, 45 million Americans still have no medical insurance, historic federal and balance of trade deficits, principal topic of conversation for U.S. Secretary of State: torture...
- Hugh

>From: Marco Zee <marcoz757@aol.com>
>Date: Thu Dec 08 12:11:11 CST 2005
>To: ot_forum@chgpa.org
>Subject: Bush--No lies

>What survey of "historians" are you talking about? Is there a weblink to this info to which you are referring?
>Could it possibly be at moveon.org? Or at KillBush.org?
>PS: Almost 5 million new jobs over the past 2.5 years....215,000 in November 05. Projected growth of 3% for the next few years.
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