Friday, Saturday with VA friends at Quest

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Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:27 pm

Friday, Saturday with VA friends at Quest

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Friday: I was invited to go motorcycling with some of the wild ones at Quest, but decided to fly instead (much safer). Paul flew the Target to get dialed into a flex wing before our FAI comp here, which which hopefully qualify us both for the worlds. He whacked it the first time, but it turned out it had a nasty turn. He nailed his landings perfectly after it lost that annoying tendency to dive sideways at the ground.
Peter, who flies mainly at Blue Sky (VA) also joined us on his beautiful black U2, which he has flown his way into after a few short months as a pilot (he flies lots and is qualified). He was thrilled to begin soaring the flatlands.
Hugh's (from VA, who is staying with us) U2 wasn't repaired, so he rented a Sport 2. He said he was just flying "in the Pattern" and asked what he should wear. I thought he meant he was just flying pattern tows and advised only a Tshirt.
I launched at the right time and stuck right away. I hadn't anticipated it would be that great because it was forecast to be low lift and the sky featured no clouds. That friggin' Litespeed has a motor, I swear. I felt really good about my flying, that I climbed really well and managed to stay relaxed and cool in the head so I could spot trends, my next thermal before I left, etc. After an hour 15 or so in the air, I was freezing with my speed sleeves, and landed deliberately.
I was hypothermic but Hugh was positively blue, who regreted that Tshirt! I felt beat and retired early, but the boys had a swim and a hot tub, and then bought ribs from Brotus' and feasted.
Saturday: Paul flared his way to beautiful landings on the Discus, but he needs to fly it one more day before moving up to the Laminar. Hugh invested in landing lessons with Kevin. Kevin said Hugh performed EVERYTHING he asked perfectly, like the first time, and now he justs needs a mantra so he remembers it. Peter looked like the Energizer bunny, always doing something with that glider. He also took landing lessons. I only saw his last one but it was SWEET.
Not much lift. I towed to altitude and squeaked out an extendo, then flew one more time in a pattern tow. The wind died down when I came in and I took a few steps, but the frame stayed up nicely and it wasn't a sprint. A few people said how pretty it was but Kevin told them it was horrible! The point is, I need to stay in good habits and flare early and hard, and not be satisfied with anything less than a perfect, no step landing. I am lucky to have friends who hold me to such high standards.
We made reservations at the Thai Nazi's for dinner but then Kev called and said Connie had cooked a huge dinner for everyone at Quest. We cancelled the Thai dinner and drove back to Quest for roasted ham, salad, rice and too many other dishes to mention. She just fixed this just to be nice to everyone. Much merry making but we all went to bed early, becasue if doesn't cloud up it MIGHT BE A REALLY GOOD DAY TODAY!
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