Long Green-Long gone :(

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Richard Hays
Posts: 315
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:13 am
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Long Green-Long gone :(

Post by Richard Hays »

Well, if it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny. Turns out the hill that
I've been flying from for 7+ years, the one I had permission to fly from and
an on-going agreement with the farmer/property owner, turned out NOT to be
his property !!!

Actually, it used to be. But some time ago Mr. Dietz sold some land off and
as it turned out, the hill we fly from was part of the parcel. Old Mr.
Dietz apparently didn't remember which was what. Ironically, the first
owners of the property ( the real owners of the site ) were very cool with
us flying there. But....apparently they moved recently and the new owners
are NOT cool with us flying there.

I arrived on Saturday with students, only to be greeted with perfect winds
and no tresspassing signs on the hill. I immediately went to see the
farmer, to ask him what we had done wrong or if the signs only pertained to
say...hunting or something. After chatting with him, he said nothing was
wrong and that we could still fly. So....fly we did.

However; about mid-way thru the day, a policeman arrived. Explained to us
the situation and well, thats' the end of Long Green Hill.

I will be putting together a packet to present the new landowner soon. But
the mere fact he called the cops vs. coming out to speak with us leads me to
believe he isn't that cool. That and the fact the "actual" landowners house
is about the size of the White House. Not looking good.

So for now, Long Green Hill is closed. Bummer.

Rich Hays
MSHG, Inc.
Posts: 684
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:15 pm

Post by hepcat1989 »

That sucks!I am trying to get in contact with a land owner for a hill I spotted. I have left two messages on his phone.No replies yet. I'll keep you all posted. Sorry to hear that Richard.
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