Quest women's fly in, a little flying and lots of fun

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Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
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Quest women's fly in, a little flying and lots of fun

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Tammy got bored the other day at Quest, and came up with the idea that something should be done with the old bridesmaid's dresses that hang in our closets for years -- too ugly to wear. She decided a women's fly in where we all dressed in these hideous numbers would be fun. I didn't quite get it, but hey, when have I ever missed a party? When I arrived at Quest yesterday morning, April thrust an electric blue chiffon number at me, and ordered me to put it on. I could have been Pamela Anderson and no one would have done me wearing that dress. It even had shoulder pads which is exactly what I need with my build to look like a football player.
April's dress was a nightmare from the 70's, but lots of the women, like Jamie, looked fabulous in their gowns. It was too windy to fly in the morning. Nevertheless, I was goaded into setting up my Litespeed (with comments like, "Be a team player, don't you want your picture taken?"). We passed the time by running our gliders, tormenting customers -- well, tackling and draping ourselves over a male who had shown up for a tandem -- as well as posing in racy positions with planes, gliders, and each other.
Finally, the wind died a little. Lisa's purple evening gown shimmered as she stepped into the tug, and taxied out into position on the runway. I helped Nancy stuff the bottom of her pink satin dress into her harness and adjust herself on the cart. I glanced past the bouquet taped to her down tube and cleared her for air traffic. A second later, her Litespeed flew into the stiff East wind. Off tow, she circled the field, and as she approached the target she flung the flowers at it, for a near miss.
Kevin was stunning in a black satin gown with a sheer bodice. Nancy caught the bouquet that he threw from 200 feet. He ground skimmed April, Tammy, Nancy, and I as we lay in the grass, spread eagled. I didn't get what was going on until the last minute and then it was too late to stand up and run away.
Then, it was time to break down and let the festivities begin. When Mitch heard we had a women's fly-in going on, featuring flying, a bouquet drop, and much naughty behavior, he sped out to Groveland. (In all the excitement he somehow forgot to throw his glider on the truck but the flying pretty much sucked anyhow. My 5030 read that I had a 17 mile hour wind at 2500 feet!) In fact, no one flew, except the girls and tandems.
Many of us feasted at Otto's -- called the "Thai Nazi", because although he is really great and serves tasty food, he is also strict about how his customers behave. Then, it was on to the bowling alley, where Bob Lane's band, Weszt, played. They are the band that played for the Pura Vida video. GW showed up (he is the one who made the movie) later so that was a fun surprise. Paul and I finally crawled off to bed in the wee hours.
I had a hang over today but it might have been worth it.
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Re: Bridesmaids' Flying Fantasy

Post by CraginS »

PLEASE write this up as an article for the national magazine. And be sure to submit LOTS of photos.

Posts: 182
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:14 pm

Quest women's fly in, a little flying and lots of fun

Post by heaviek »

Um Lauren, don't forget that non-disclosure statement
you signed strictly forbidding anyone from mentioning,
much less publishing photos, of Mr. Carter in the
aformentioned formal woman's wear. Any breach of this
contract and Mr Carter will be forced to sue you for
every hang gliding toy you own.

Thanks you for your consideration ;)


--- CraginS <> wrote:

> Lauren,
> PLEASE write this up as an article for the
> national magazine. And be sure to submit LOTS of
> photos.
> cragin
Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:27 pm

Quest women's fly in, a little flying and lots of fun

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Oops, the bad news is I already sent pictures of you in the black gown to Hang Gliding magazine. The good news is that you made the cover!
PS-- So I shouldn't have sent them to Davis for the Oz report, either???

Kevin <> wrote:

Um Lauren, don't forget that non-disclosure statement
you signed strictly forbidding anyone from mentioning,
much less publishing photos, of Mr. Carter in the
aformentioned formal woman's wear. Any breach of this
contract and Mr Carter will be forced to sue you for
every hang gliding toy you own.

Thanks you for your consideration ;)


--- CraginS wrote:

> Lauren,
> PLEASE write this up as an article for the
> national magazine. And be sure to submit LOTS of
> photos.
> cragin

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