Wagoneers Gap

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Wagoneers Gap

Post by hepcat1989 »

I'm looking for info on a site near Carlisle,PA. Sparky told me it is a south site. It may help us out being that Fisher's is closed right now. Directions? I am off next week yet, and I can go check it out. Thanks, Shawn.
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Wagoneers Gap

Post by XCanytime »

???? It's called Waggoners Gap.? Take Rt. 74 north out of Carlisle.? As Rt. 74 crests Blue Mt., pull off and the site must be along a trail that runs either to the east or west along the ridgeline to a clearing.? To the west is a bunch of radio antennas.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
Danny Brotto
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Waggoners Gap...

Post by Danny Brotto »

Like Allen said, Waggoner's gap.

The launch landowner (from about 7 years ago) was an avid HAM. I ran into the guy at OR and he invited us to come check out the site he had just purchased to build his HAM radio shack down from the launch. He gave us permission to launch there anytime. The launch owner may be different now. Don't know about the LZ owner although there are plenty of great fields out in front.

From what I remember, the launch could get tricky. Veering off to the side could put yIu into those antennae that Bacil mentioned (although I thought they were to the east of launch; I might be wrong on that point.) Good launch skills are a must here.

Legend has it that an unknown local HG pilot does not like others flying there and pilots have come back to find their tires slashed.

Danny Brotto
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Wagoneers Gap

Post by huddlec »

Someone who used to fly told me about a site north of Carlisle. It's a paved road to the top. I have the directions somewhere...

hepcat1989 <hepcat88@innernet.net> wrote:
I'm looking for info on a site near Carlisle,PA. Sparky told me it is a south site. It may help us out being that Fisher's is closed right now. Directions? I am off next week yet, and I can go check it out. Thanks, Shawn.Home-717-267-3999

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Post by hepcat1989 »

Thanks for the directions. I'll check it out this week. Slash my tires maybe HUH? We'll see. Shawn.
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The gap

Post by BudA »


Bud A here. ....

My wife and I used to live on South Mountain (above Ship)...back in the eighties; we lived there for over fifteen years and both were from York, Pa. I flew all of the sites in the area including some sites that few people knew of or flew. I stay in touch with the club so that when and If we move/viisit our home state, we will be current with what is active and going on at the moment.

The problem w/ the gap started in the eighties with the congestion at HR. Some HR pilots wanted to limit the growing number of weekend pilots (and increased accidents) by using rating and skills resrtictions....and sometimes just plain intimidation... Most of these HR pilots were from out of the 'local' area of Gburg, Cburg, Carlisle, etc. yet ruled the site that was in most 'locals' back yards. I big bitter contention then started when some of the HR pilots began showing up at the Carlisle site, parking their cars around the different farms, and just going up and taking off. Needless to say, this did not go down well with the locals from the Carlisle area who were finding it hard to get permission to fly HR. Being thirty minutes from the Pulpit and Bill's, I refused to get drawn into either side of the conflict, wishing only to fly and find peace in the air.

Things did, as I remember, get quite ugly for a space of time however: smashed windshields, cut tires, resentment etc.) I have a feeling that some of the local landowners ...non flying folks from the Carlisle area were involved in this....but never really found out....and frankly didn't care. The whole stupid thing seemed so 'out there'..... .... I was so disillusioned with the whole thing I dropped my USHGA membership, stopped flying weekends, and eventually stopped flying for a space of time before my wife and I moved out of the area....

It is such a shame that these things can happen in such a wonderful and beautiful sport....but alas.....we all are human.....I guess........

I make this post because there still might be lingering anger with some of these folks.....and caution about local rules/ideas/mind sets,.... may be wise..... I have no idea how things stand now.....

Best of luck and take the possiblility of lingering resentment seriously.....and be careful......

Peace and good air......

Bud A
Danny Brotto
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Post by Danny Brotto »


Just a few of my recollection of flying during the early 80?s. I don?t recall the animosity between the two groups you mention.

I remember the early 80?s well; I started flying HR in 1981. When I started to fly HR, it was a H3 site. Don?t know what it was before that.

HR tended to get a bit crowed and yes, there was a group of ?old guard? HR pilots. After a series of accidents, some of the ?Old Guard? attempted to make the site a H4 site. The rationale was to help keep the site ?safe?. (However statistically, accidents were occurring across the board w/ no respect for hang rating.) This met with immediate resistance and division with the HG community. Ms. Emma was kinda caught in the middle and asked for a pilot?s consortium of representatives from the various ?regions?. I remember about 6 pilots including Steve Krichton, Rod Bynaker, Woody Jones (for a while), Tom (from York) and being asked to represent the various clubs and ?regions?. We formed the ?High Rock Preservation Group?.

One of the first things we did was to recommend cutting down the tree line to the south end of the LZ. Thermals would form and pop vigorously mid day wreaking havoc with landings. We felt that opening the slot would evacuate air helping to keep strong thermals from forming. Another recommendation was to increase utilization by actually opening the site to H-2?s w/ Observer (I floated that proposal.) Ms. Emma agreed; the slot was opened and H-2?s started flying HR. The later pissed some HR regulars off but it was a success.

Flying volume at HR has waxed and waned a number of times since I?ve been flying the place. With the pressures of the TFR and sundown gate closure, I think it?s important to support flying there and to gravitate there to fly when ever possible. It?s our most precious HG site.

Danny Brotto
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Post by hepcat1989 »

Thanks, I'll tread lightly. I'm from Chambersburg, so maybe I can qualify for local..Giving the number of pilots that fly at one time now(smaller I would imagine) it might be allright. I don't know, i'll check it out. I haven't heard of anyone flying near Carlisle since I started a couple years ago. Maybe nobody goes there anymore? Peace, Shawn.
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Post by hepcat1989 »

I just got back. No good. It was all grown up. I met some older bird watchers that told me the last flying there was 20yrs ago. The launch they told me was a smaller flat rock. Is that right? Launch skills would be crucial! No body flies up there anymore. I checked.
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Post by Spark »

Too bad ...

Thanks for trying!

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