1st Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza, entry page

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Lauren Tjaden
Posts: 371
Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:27 pm

1st Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza, entry page

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Welcome to the First Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza email registration page. All required fields must be complete for valid registration.
The First Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza uses aerotow launch exclusively, therefore it is absolutely necessary that all competitors be thoroughly skilled at aerotowing and capable of aerotowing in competition conditions. The meet director/safety director reserves the right to remove (without refund) any pilot who does not demonstrate the appropriate aerotowing skill.

Please complete the following form to register for the First Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza . The time your registration is received determines your place in the order of registered pilots. 25% of the spaces, per FAI rules, will be left open for foreign pilots until 15 days before the start of the competition, at which point they may be filled from the waiting list, at the organizer?s discretion. Registrations received after the meet limit of 30 will automatically be added to the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, you will be contacted immediately following the cancellation of a registered pilot in the order of those first on the waiting list.

All fields are required.

First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Zip (postal) Code
Day Phone
Evening Phone
Cell Phone
USHGA Number
USHGA Membership Expiration Date
USHGA Rating
FAI License Number
Glider Model
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone

When you are finished completing this form, please cut and paste it to an email and send it to Tjadenhors@aol.com. Then, send a check payable to Paul Tjaden, 209 Hidden View Drive, Groveland, Florida, 34736. IMPORTANT: Your check must be postmarked within 3 days of submitting this form to preserve your date of registration (the date this form is submitted). Please do not delay or you may end up on the waiting list.

Pilot Request And Release

First Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY REQUEST PERMISSION TO participate in flight practice, tests, contests and competitions to be held during the First Annual Ultimate Xtravaganza at the Quest Flight Park located within the Sheets Airport. I have inspected the premises and I know the risks and dangers involved in the stated activities and that unanticipated and unexpected dangers may arise during such activities and I accept all risks of injury to my person and property that may be sustained in competition or otherwise with the stated and associated parties, in and about the premises.

IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PERMISSION GRANTED TO ME to enter the premises and participate in the stated activities, and in light of the consideration of the provisions of a liability insurance plan, I do hereby, for myself and my heirs, administrators and assigns, release, remise and discharge the owners, operators and sponsors of the said premises, of the activities, of the hang gliders and of the associated equipment, and their respective servants, agents, officers, and officials and all other participants in the stated activities due to negligence or any other fault.

I REPRESENT AND CERTIFY that my true name is stated above and if I am under the age of 21 years, I do represent and certify that I have permission of my parents and/or guardians to participate in the stated activities and that they have full knowledge thereof.

I CERTIFY THAT MY ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION in the stated activities is voluntary and that I am not in any way the employee, servant, or agent of the owners, operators, or sponsors of the premises and/or the activities therein.

I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE AEROTOWED IN COMPETITION CONDITIONS and that I have my Aerotow Rating and I am a skilled aerotow pilot.

I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE A CURRENT FAI LICENSE and understand that this license will be checked at pilot registration.


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