Re[2]: New Pulpit Stickers

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Re[2]: New Pulpit Stickers

Post by rs54263 »

The signs are down. ?(At least the one at the top is, I kept forgetting
to look for the one lower down on the road.)
There is a new sign underneath ours with "Park Rules".

See: ... 0855c2.jpg


from: (02/28/2005 22:47)

Law enforcement seems to be pretty haphazard: the Washington County
folks told me the red-letter signs saying you had to have a Washington
County hang-gliding permit to fly High Rock - were a problem for them.
People kept coming in to their offices asking to buy a HG permit. So
they were happy when we offered to provide a sign with alternate
language. However, they never took the old signs down. I keep
sending e-mails to the WashCo facilities manager, but he doesn't

In other business, I have received the new site insurance documents and
will provide copies to the PA authorities as discussed. Bunkhouse Bob,
do you need copies or did USHGA send you a set for MHGA also?
Questions for anyone who knows: do we owe copies to all landowners, or
just the PA authorities? If all, should I just mail them, or do we
wish to have them hand delivered by whoever contacts the landowners?

- Hugh

On 28 Feb 2005, at 19:44, David Bodner wrote:

> Rumor has it that the PA forest rangers look for it when we fly on
> their property. I have no idea if that's true, though. Pulpit used to
> give out streamers. Maybe those would be more visible.
> Maybe we don't need stickers. That might be a subject of discussion
> for the combined board of directors in April. For this year, it's
> probably too late to give them up now.
> Dave
> faithful Pulpit Treasurer
> On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 06:47 PM, Spark wrote:
>> No disrespect intended here, but I need to share a perspective:
>> Who actually checks for these stickers? I can tell you that I have
>> never put a sticker on my helmet since I moved here in February 1998.
>> No one has ever said a word about it to me. What do you do when
>> someone gets a new helmet, or when someone wears more than one helmet?
>> I have two.
>> If the purpose of the sticker is to make sure people don't bandit the
>> site, maybe we could simplify post a list of those who have paid for
>> their <fill in the blank> stickers. It is not like we have so many
>> people we can't keep track of them. I haven't thoroughly examined
>> everyone's helmets, but I don't recall seeing Pulpit stickers on a >
>> few.
>> Don't get me wrong, I like to collect the stickers - they are all in
>> an envelope my desk drawer at home. Where do I get my Fisher Road,
>> Bill's Hill and Woodstock Stickers?
>> If the sticker "rule" was actually communicated and enforced, then the
>> sticker discussion would have much more meaning.
>> Sorry for stirring up a problem.
> <image.tiff>
>> 'Spark
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