Re[2]: Photos from High Rock Friday

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Re[2]: Photos from High Rock Friday

Post by rs54263 »

It's a Nikon D70 digital SLR; it has a high-speed 2GB CompactFlash
card in it, and at full resolution (fine-quality JPG format) it can
hold 580 pictures. Of course, since it's capable of taking 3 full size
images per second, for as long as I want to hold the shutter button
down, that actually doesn't last that long!


from: Kevin (02/28/2005 02:12)

Love the pics Ralph. My new favorite trick is to pull the scroll bar down
and watch the movie. That camera must be pretty incredible. What is it?

Kev C

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Sickinger (R2) []
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: Photos from High Rock Friday

This is my second outing with the new camera, and the first with a new
28mm-300mm zoom lens. I did something different with the website this
time; In addition to the folders that I make for each pilot, I've
created a new one called "favorites"; these are the shots that I like
best from the day. It's something that I am going to try to do on a
regular basis, so people with slower connections (or just less
interest) can go view that one folder directly (43 images) rather than
sift through *all* of the pictures that I took that day (in this case,

Friday's folder is: ... index.html

Shawn Ray sledded, and didn't even bother to make any turns on the way
to the LZ (which could have made for some beautiful shots!), but I was
actually able to take pictures of him landing, while standing on the
rock itself! I normally resize images to 20% of their original size
before posting them on the web; but if you look at the last photos of
Shawn, img11095 is the original image (3008x2000). In img11095c I cut
out piece from the middle of the original (hence the "c" designation)
measuring 1204x800, and then reduced it by 50%. In the last image,
img11095c2, I cut out a smaller rectangle (602x400), but did not resize
it at all. Pretty cool, huh?

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Re[2]: Photos from High Rock Friday

Post by rs54263 »

Well, the pictures of Spark and Steve in the LZ were actually shot from
the LZ... ;-)


from: (02/28/2005 07:43)

Yeah, nice pictures, Ralph. I can't believe you shot all that from the
Rock itself. Lauren
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