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Post by hepcat1989 »

I just got back from visiting Wesley at the hospital. He got out of surgery at 2 this afternoon.He looked fine.He told me his take on things, and said he will be posting on what happened in the next few days. He is going to need to find a different ride soon for his car is a stick shift!!!!I told him I can help set his glider up when he wants to check for battle damage, and take it back down to Maryland.Wesley don't think he busted it up at all. I say again, he seemed fine and was talking no problem despite the broken arm ( in 3 places!), and morphine drip in his arm.He hopes to be out of there tomorrow morning. Hang Tough Wesley!!!
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Post by silverwings »

Sorry to hear about your accident Wesley. Hope your recovery goes quickly.
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Post by hang_pilot »

Just spoke with him...

His surgery went well. A nerve was in a bad position in relation to one of the breaks and he is experiencing numbness in the arm. However, his physician is optimistic that he will regain full feeling and use. He is staying in the hospital one more night and will meet with an occupational therapist tomorrow.

He's interested in speaking with anyone who saw his approach and/or landing. He's bored, I think he's interested in talking period: Wesley Comerer, Chambersburg Hosp., 717-267-3000, rm 279.

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