Belated Wednesday Woodstock report

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Belated Wednesday Woodstock report

Post by mcelrah »

Steve Kinsley, Adam, Hubble French, Wes Comerer - have I forgotten
someone? Conditions were LIGHT. Steve and Wes had already flown once
and Wes was setting up for a second when i arrived. I scratched for
10-12 minutes never getting above launch, then went out to land in the
cowpie LZ (they are visible from altitude - looks like bombsight photos
from WWII). Hubble came in a bit high but made a very stylish flare 20
feet from Adam's parked glider. He was kind enough to mention that my
launch sucked. What happened was that Steve was standing with me as I
prepared to launch (no wirecrew necessary). I asked something like:
"it's not going to get any stronger than this, is it?" - then leaned
forward for the first step of the launch run. Steve replied something
like: " No, I don't think it will." Hearing the "no" as "NO!", I
hesitated for a moment, then yelled clear and regained momentum.
Probably popped the nose in the process. Anyway, Hubble's family
apparently owns about 5 potential LZs - he's ambitious to set up an
aerotow operation on one of the family farms - and he seems to know
every other property owner in the valley. We've got to get him in the
club and elect him "Vice President for Shenandoah Valley landowner
relations". Wes, Steve and I went for pizza in town and avoided the
worst of the Beltway traffic. - Hugh
Dan T
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Belated Wednesday Woodstock report

Post by Dan T »

In a message dated 2/27/05 3:21:29 PM, writes:

<< Anyway, Hubble's family
apparently owns about 5 potential LZs - he's ambitious to set up an
aerotow operation on one of the family farms - and he seems to know
every other property owner in the valley. >>

Do you think he might know the owner of the bridge field? I never knew the
whole story of how we lost access to that field except in emergency however I
know some of it. Maybe we could mend fences with the current owners, and
arrange to lease landing rights or something.

There is obviously some risk in not letting sleeping dogs lie, since there
have been several landings there over the years without incident. However if
this is something that the club wanted to pursue this might be a good time to do

Dan T.
Posts: 2323
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:30 pm

Belated Wednesday Woodstock report

Post by mcelrah »

We discussed this on Wednesday. Hubble does know the owner. Several
people DO use the bridge field. Seems like it's OK as long as it
doesn't become the primary and there aren't gaggles of gliders breaking
down. Onesies and twosies OK, but no crowds. And of course when
there's no crop. Problem is, if we start using it more, the owner may
hit tilt again, so maybe it's better to keep calling it an emergency
field. I'm content with the primary, even if it is full of cowpies...
- Hugh

On 27 Feb 2005, at 15:42, wrote:

> In a message dated 2/27/05 3:21:29 PM, writes:
> << Anyway, Hubble's family
> apparently owns about 5 potential LZs - he's ambitious to set up an
> aerotow operation on one of the family farms - and he seems to know
> every other property owner in the valley. >>
> Do you think he might know the owner of the bridge field? I never
> knew the
> whole story of how we lost access to that field except in emergency
> however I
> know some of it. Maybe we could mend fences with the current owners,
> and
> arrange to lease landing rights or something.
> There is obviously some risk in not letting sleeping dogs lie, since
> there
> have been several landings there over the years without incident.
> However if
> this is something that the club wanted to pursue this might be a good
> time to do
> it.
> Dan T.
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