USHGA Calenders

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USHGA Calenders

Post by hang_pilot »

If you are planning to purchase the USHGA hang gliding and/or paragaliding calendars ( (
Ralph will soon begin production of calendars that represent the type of flying we do in the Mid-Atlantic.? You can place your order for Ralph’s calendar by contacting him at (
How should a pilot choose which calendar to buy?? That’s easy, buy both!?

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USHGA Calendars

Post by hang_pilot »

I am reposting this message in its complete form. For some reason, the web version was truncated compared with the version I e-mailed to the list.

If you are planning to purchase the USHGA hang gliding and/or paragaliding calendars (, please place your order through Silver Wings instead of USHGA. John Middleton has agreed to donate his proceeds to CHGPA. Thank you, John! The cost will be $17 including s/h, the SAME price you will pay if you order through USHGA. Place your order by dropping John a line at

Ralph will soon begin production of calendars that represent the type of flying we do in the Mid-Atlantic. You can place your order for Ralph?s calendar by contacting him at

How should a pilot choose which calendar to buy? That?s easy, buy both!

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