Hyner Ox Roast Report

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Hyner Ox Roast Report

Post by Spark »

Hyner was a great time as usual ... due to the weather, the best times were on terra firma.

I arrived early on Friday morning after driving half-way Thursday night and camping in Dave 'Spoons' front yard. As expected, launch was socked in with clouds and drizzle until about 11am. I made two extended soaring PG flights mid-day. Winds switched N later, preventing any further aviation.

Saturday it was seriously blown out by noon - with winds gusting to 35+. I enjoyed some serious Zagi flying with frequent periods of zero and negative ground speed - it sure is nice to be able to do that without actually being 'in' the wing.

Both Friday and Saturday evenings hanging out with friends around the campfire were very enjoyable. I'm really looking forward to the next great Hyner year.
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Post by hepcat1989 »

My wife, and I got up to Hyner around 1pm saturday. When we arrived Spark and Dennis Pagen were doing some pg kiting in the lz.After stowing some of my gear I walked over and Spark introduced me to Dennis. He seems like a very giving , and nice guy.Dennis then took myself and a japaneese pilot up to launch and explained the Hyner process! He told us what to look for and stay away from.When we was standing down on launch a big storm developed with big rain drops and HAIL.Before Dennis left he was gracious enough to sign my book PEFORMANCE FLYING,- nice guy.Spark had his zagi up and was trying to get it back as hail beat his face.He said it was MOST INVIGORATING! My wife, Me, and Spark then went into Renovo to have some fair food and take in the Flaming Fall Foliage Festival.Saturday evening we listened to the Penn State game on the radio,-Penn State lost IN THE FINAL SECOND.My wife and I was then invited to a birthday party up at the end of the lz with a BIG fire, it felt good.I sat beside Shawn Macduff, boy he's a character. He had me laughing all night. Then the hot cider and captain morgan started flowing!! There was no flying to be had, but Hyner I found out is not just about the flying............ I'll be back. Maybe it won't be flyable, but I don't care. I'll be back. Shawn.
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Post by brianvh »

You got it, Shawn. Hyner is mainly about the campfires. Anyone who goes and doesn't hang out at night is missing it. I was at a conference in Germany, otherwise I would have gone despite any dire forecasts.
Brian Vant-Hull
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