Another Grand Day at Highland

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John Simon
Posts: 300
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:33 pm

Another Grand Day at Highland

Post by John Simon »

So today was only about 4700' and 500 fpm... not as good as last Thursday
(5800' and 600 fpm) but it was even more widespread. Gorgeous day and Paul
Adamez, Steve K, Mark, Heather, Dawson, Marlene, Joe G. all got some some
very nice air. I'm probably missing a few folks here...
Lift was everywhere and more than a couple of us had to work to get down.
Dawson had his longest soaring flight ever, about 1+15 late in the
afternoon. It was reportedly punchy and strong mid-day but by the time I
launched around 4pm is was just widespread and quick. I had trouble getting
down at 5:15 to help Heather setup her glider, and the vis was incredible.
Lots of birds, no clouds and lots of corn stalks and spiders to mark the
big, wide strong lift. Totally pleasant and enjoyable out there. Heather
and Marlene flew later in the day and both looked very good in the pattern
with solid approaches and very decent spot landing work.
This weekend looks to be similar... hope to see you there as Heather works
on her landings and I pimp some nice big fat lift.


-----Original Message-----
From: Flying Lobster []
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:08 PM
Subject: Boomin day at Highland

Boomer thermals all day at Ridgely. It was one of those dreaded "got so high
I froze and was so thermally I couldn't get down" days we all fear.

marcgot art?
wanna fly?
Paul Tjaden
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Another Grand Day at Highland

Post by Paul Tjaden »

The best flying days I ever had in the Mid-Atlantic were late Sept. and early October. I really miss those incredible?dry air days and looking out at my side wires covered in webs and the bays, bridges and even Cape May in the distance.
Just one question....what were all of you doing hanging around the field? Get your butts on down the road for a nice long XC. Or maybe someone could set up some turnpoints?just a couple miles out so you could do little contests like I mentioned in an earlier post. We've been doing them here nearly every day we can fly. Kevin and I talk lots of trash to each other and then go out and try to back it up with faster times around the course. Maybe I'm spoiled by too much flying time but I really enjoy challenging myself (especially on the good days when just staying up is too easy) and this is a great way to do that without worrying about a driver or pissed off land owners.
Flying is getting better down here. Got nearly three hours Thursday and had to fight my way down?but low CB at about 3700 max.?Yesterday was not as good but still flew two hours and did my little course.
John Simon
Posts: 300
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:33 pm

Another Grand Day at Highland

Post by John Simon »

It was a great day for XC... triangle type. Almost ZERO wind aloft but as
usual I showed up late to the field. Drivers are a problem too. I suppose
had I arrived earlier Steve, Paul and I could have ginned up a plan but it
just never got organized. Seems like we are just lazy... I guess. I still
yearn to go all the time, but I don't really enjoy going alone as much and
the ride problem persists. Still a triangle would not have been too bad, oh

Missing XC


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: Another Grand Day at Highland

The best flying days I ever had in the Mid-Atlantic were late Sept. and
early October. I really miss those incredible?dry air days and looking out
at my side wires covered in webs and the bays, bridges and even Cape May in
the distance.
Just one question....what were all of you doing hanging around the field?
Get your butts on down the road for a nice long XC. Or maybe someone could
set up some turnpoints?just a couple miles out so you could do little
contests like I mentioned in an earlier post. We've been doing them here
nearly every day we can fly. Kevin and I talk lots of trash to each other
and then go out and try to back it up with faster times around the course.
Maybe I'm spoiled by too much flying time but I really enjoy challenging
myself (especially on the good days when just staying up is too easy) and
this is a great way to do that without worrying about a driver or pissed
off land owners.
Flying is getting better down here. Got nearly three hours Thursday and had
to fight my way down?but low CB at about 3700 max.?Yesterday was not as
good but still flew two hours and did my little course.
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Ridgeley has been hot this fall

Post by Christian »

Gotta love the great flying conditions. I got 1 and a half hours on Friday, did a 25 mile course on Saturday and flew to Massey on Sunday. Monday was not as good for me but Rick did well.. Love life and the Mill.

Christian :D
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