The SAC 2/2

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The SAC 2/2

Post by XCanytime »

Headed to the SAC after getting off of work at 11:20A. Got to launch around 2P, finding Allan setting up his glider. Proceeded to set up my glider quickly. The conditions were moderate to strong, and the temps were just above 40 degrees. The sky was OD'ed. This was to be the maiden flight of my glider, after having the keel replaced due to a ground handling snafu after an XC landing at KFRR on 10/22.

Around 3P I was ready to go, and enlisted Allan and Joe Gorrie, who had shown up a few minutes prior and stayed warm in his car, for launch assistance. Had a little bit of an issue getting the glider balanced, but on a 2nd attempt I was successful; cleared the crew, and went straight up and forward, w/ no steps taken. Flying fast out of the slot I kept going up, and I was quickly above the ridge after a left turn to the west. Decided to head down to the Klingerstown Gap for yuks. Kept running away from strong lift, since the solid deck above was only 2K' above launch. On the way to the gap I spotted a beautiful Golden Eagle a few hundred feet below me. That's the 1st time I've seen a Golden Eagle from above in 30 years of flying the mountains. The gold feather pattern along the body and outboard from the wing roots was breathtakingly beautiful.

Decided not to jump the Gap, but headed east past launch and up to where Rt. 125 crosses the mountain. Didn't get completely to the crossing, having run into a NE cross? along the way. Turned around and headed past launch. No activity happening there. So back down to the Klingerstown Gap. At this point I was getting a little cold, so I just headed back to launch and out to land in the main. Had a nice approach, and had to do an S turn to bleed off some excess altitude. The little lateness of the flare and a sizable gradient resulted in a soft landing on the knees. No worries. Carried over and broke down the glider by the tree line, paying special attention to which way the wind was blowing, remembering what happened on 10/22.

Allan came down after packing up to give me a body ride. Thanks Allan. This flight was done in memory of Steve Wendt. RIP my friend. I now believe that you were the Golden Eagle that I saw from above. Bacil
Last edited by XCanytime on Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 2620
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:45 pm

Re: The SAC 2/2

Post by XCanytime »

Posts: 2620
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:45 pm

Re: The SAC 2/2

Post by XCanytime »

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