The SAC Thursday March 9th

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Re: The SAC Thursday March 9th

Post by XCanytime »

Got to the SAC around 2P after working in the AM. Found Will Hynla and Aron Lantz set up. Conditions were moderate to strong. It was definitely soarable. Will launched and zigged when he should've zagged. Aron got on launch, then backed off. I got up on launch, picked a good cycle, and had a good launch, thanks to the launch crew of Joe, Karen, and Danny Koch. Cleared the slot and turned right. Got up easily and considered my options.

I have the goal of landing at Carlisle Airport on my radar. So I headed west, jumped the Klingerstown Gap w/ ease, and made it halfway to the Pillow Gap. Decided to stop and do some thermalling for a change. Got up to around 2800' MSL. The skies to the east back towards launch looked great. The skies to the west where I needed to go, not so much. So I aborted the big plans and decided to just hang out just west of Hebe and frolic. Was joined at about 1000' over by a few mature and immature bald eagles in the ratty lift I had found. Enjoyed some close encounters w/ the majestic birds. They always rolled inverted and did a split S away from me when I would dive towards them.

So I headed back to launch, hoping to find some gliders in the air when I got there. But first I have to jump the Klingerstown Gap. Got to the edge at ridge height, and found some lift. Decided to go for it (an LZ was right below me if I sank out). On the other side I was 100' below the ridge top. Stair stepped my way back up above the ridge for at least a mile, where the ridge was working solid. Came back by launch, and no pilots in the air. Saw Aron was at the mound, and Will had set up again. I was a little chilly (it was cold), so I threw in the towel after an hour+ in the air. And I had to get up and go to work the next day.

Had a nice approach, and a late flare yet again. Saw that Aron had launched and gotten up while I was entering the pattern. As I broke down, I spotted Will very low over the trees to the west. He couldn't make it to the main, so he had a nice landing in the adjacent field. Joe drove Will's vehicle out to him for retrieve. Karen graciously gave me a body ride back up to launch to get my truck. Looking at returning to the SAC on Saturday. Bacil
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