The SAC Monday Feb. 6th

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Re: The SAC Monday Feb. 6th

Post by XCanytime »

Got to launch at 2:10P. Honking on launch, and completely overcast. Called Joe and Karen to alert them of my presence, and started setting up. Allan showed up 10 minutes after I did. Continued setting up, and some noticeable lulls started occurring around 2:45P. Was ready to go at 3P, called Joe and Karen, and waited for the wire crew to arrive. Of course the conditions ramped up again, but not unmanageable for the 3 man crew.

With Allan, Joe, and Karen's able assistance, I had a good launch around 3:15P, kicked in the harness, and pulled in. Got turned slightly left, was on it immediately, and stabilized heading straight and flying fast. Turned left and gradually got above the ridge heading west. The plan was to make it to the river and back, since I had an extra half hour of daylight since the last attempt (launched about the same time as I did 3 weeks ago). Climbed in lift all the way to the Klingerstown Gap, but made sure I didn't get anywhere near the overcast cloud deck. Set an altitude cap at 2100' MSL, and obeyed that throughout the flight. Shot the gap easily, and now I'm heading along the 6 mile stretch of ridge to the Pillow Gap.

Shot the Pillow Gap w/ease. As I'm approaching the "saddle" gap, I checked my watch, and it's getting close to 4P. So I decide to turn around there and make it back to the main LZ by 5P. Tried once to cross the Pillow Gap, but ran into massive sink and an unexpected headwind out of the NNE. Almost committed to landing out at Pillow, but was determined to make it back to the main LZ. So I turned around, went back to the ridge, and found disorganized, ratty lift that got me a bit higher and enabled me to jump the gap. Reached the other side below ridge level, but the NNW facing part of the ridge provided good lift that got me back up above the ridge, and I was off to the races again.

Stayed well above the ridge for the 6 mile trek back to the Klingersown Gap. Shot that gap w/ ease, and now it's time to make it the 4 miles back to the main LZ. While heading back, I saw an immature bald eagle heading west between me and the ridge drop it's talons and pull up on my 6 and wax my fanny. I anticipated an attack, but he had retracted his landing gear and proceeded to surf my wake for 30 seconds before vanishing. I came within view of launch, and did not see Allan's truck. Then I came within view of the main LZ, and Allan's truck was there. Yay! I executed a wide DBF approach and pogo stuck the keel w/ an aggressive flare.

I got a little chilly in the face and the shoulders during the flight, but the bar mitts kept my hands toasty warm. Should've worn the full face wool toboggan. Many thanks to Allan for sticking around to give me a body ride up to launch. Allan did not fly. But this coming Saturday we may get another chance to fly at the SAC. And this time both of us will not be coming to the mountain after having to work in the AM. Bacil
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