Free glider available

HG/PG gear to sell or to buy.

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Free glider available

Post by tomceunen »

Hello all,

My name is Carlos Silva, I may have been a member back in the 80’s, but I can’t recall for sure. I learned how to hang glide in the early 80’s while visiting Kitty Hawk. I immediately got hooked and reached a Hang2 or 3 rating? My memory doesn’t work so well anymore. Anyway, I bought a new Sabre 170 back then, used it for a summer and then got back into motorcycles. The glider has been in an old girlfriend’s parents garage/barn and they both recently passed and I need to remove it from the property.

I’m hoping someone can use it instead of her brothers taking it to the scrap yard for the aluminum.

Please let me know if anyone might have interest in it.

Carlos Silva
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Location: Arlington

Re: Free glider available

Post by dbodner »

I'm gonna suggest that anything that old really should be considered scrap. Make of it what you can, but flying should be done on something newer.
David Bodner
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:33 pm

Re: Free glider available

Post by wuffos »

Where's it located?
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