Pulpit Saturday November 26th

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Re: Pulpit Saturday November 26th

Post by XCanytime »

A good, relatively warm day at the Pulpit for late November. Got to launch at 9A, and it was strong already. Set up and waited for arrivals. The 1st arrival at 10:20A or so, Romano Altamonte, drove 4 hours from New Jersey for his 1st flight at the Pulpit. I briefed Romano on the launch while we waited for Allan to arrive. Allan arrived around 11:20A or so. I was hesitant to launch w/ only 2 wire crew, and strong conditions on the ramp, but in the half hour between Allan's arrival and just before noon, the conditions backed off enough to convince me that I could safely launch w/ just Allan's and Romano's assistance.

Had a good launch at noon and got up immediately. Headed north, dolphin flying, and 360ing here and there, getting up to 3200' MSL along the way. Got to near where the ridge curves from due W facing to WNW facing and turned around. Got low(er) and the ridge rises as you fly south towards the SW bowl. Got a little nervous, but found some lift at the SW bowl corner and was able to fly back past launch w/ enough altitude to be comfortable. Decided to head down to The Corner.

As I passed the main LZ, I saw Allan and Romano dropping a vehicle, and Allan showing Romano the landing strip area. Decided to go in and land so Romano could witness an approach and landing on the W facing "landing strip". Had a nice DBF approach, flared hard, but a little xwind caused the left wing to drop a little, and I tripped and had a gentle belly flop again. At the breakdown area we decided for me to wait for Johander to pick me up at the LZ, and Allan and Romano to set up and prepare to launch.

Johander, wife Natalie, and loyal doggie Jake picked me up around 2P, after suffering the inglorious event of a flat tire on the way. Back at launch it was still blowing good! So we hustled and got Romano off w/ a good launch, and it was still easily soarable. Allan followed and got up easily as well. Johander set up quickly, and Natalie and I assisted him off the ramp. He got up too, so we had 3 pilots in the air soaring in clear blue skies and comfortable temps.

At the LZ Johander landed 1st, suffering some nagging tricep pain during his flight, thus causing him to decide to end his flight prematurely before the pain would affect his ability to fly safely. Romano landed next, after a 1.5+ hour flight for his 1st flight at the Pulpit. Allan landed last, after a 2+ hour flight that he enjoyed thoroughly.

A fitting end to a nice day at the Pulpit. Bacil
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