Sacramento Thursday October 27th

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Sacramento Thursday October 27th

Post by XCanytime »

Went to the SAC yesterday. Got there around 2:10P after working in the AM. Found Allan set up. Conditions were moderate to strong, and quite swirly. No clouds; completely blue sky. Quickly set up as Roger Irby arrived shortly after me, and Joe and Karen came back from a firewood scouting hike. Staged on the mound just after 3P. Had to wait for swirly conditions to moderate. Took a cycle and had a good launch.

As customary, turned right and dolphin flew until above the ridge. Climbed in some lift to 500' over and flew back over launch. Saw Allan on the mound and yelled down "C'mon up". Headed west and found some lift to 2700' MSL. By the time I approached the Klingerstown Gap, I was just a few hundred over the ridge, and no lift to be found. Also, the corn that was abundant in the fields a month ago was still there at the gap. I didn't want to repeat an out landing, so I beat feet back towards launch.

Saw Allan launch, and get up above the ridge. Headed back towards launch, now about 500' over. Saw Allan high just behind launch and heading west. So I followed, much lower. Allan stayed high and jumped the Klingerstown Gap. I just couldn't get high enough to even think about jumping the gap. The lift was ratty, and not cohesive at all. So I headed back towards launch and enjoyed observing the fall colors from above.

After a while, headed in and did a fast DBF and had a nice landing until I tripped. Another belly flop, but luckily pretty soft. Flew for 1:20? Called Roger, and he gave me a body ride up to launch after Allan came in and had a nice landing. Roger thought briefly about a late evening flight, but headed home instead. I retrieved my stuff and gave Allan a body ride up to get his truck. Got home at a decent hour (8:30P). Bacil

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Re: Sacramento Thursday October 27th

Post by XCanytime »

Since Ayvri is defunct as of yesterday here is the link to the SeeYou cloud to see the flight stats, etc. My understanding is that you can only view the flight if you are subscribed to the SeeYou cloud service. Enjoy! ... qnvuhk?u=i
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Re: Sacramento Thursday October 27th

Post by markc »

Interesting.... I was able to access your flight track Bacil, switch to 3D, zoom in/out. No subscription. Course, that might change after trying to view multiple flights :lol:
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