2023 CHGPA Club Officer Elections

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2023 CHGPA Club Officer Elections

Post by eggzkitz »


I hope everyone is enjoying a nice fall — the weather has certainly been outstanding.

In our board call last month, I notified the other club officers know of my intention to step off the board as President at the end of this year. It has been deeply meaningful to work on behalf of this club over the years, as the club (and the sport) means a lot to me. I’ve made a difficult and recent decision to step back from flying the PG for a while and feel that the club will be best served by an active pilot president who has the time to invest in continuing the improve our club’s sites, resources, and relationships.

We’re planning a holiday get together for December, at which point we’ll hold elections on the slate of officers for next year, to include a new president. If you are interested in the position, please let us know. Likewise if you have nominations.

Safe landings,
Jeff Eggers
CHGPA President
USHPA 82627
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