USHPA Elections Open - Please vote

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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USHPA Elections Open - Please vote

Post by callen »

The USHPA elections officially opened today. I’ve decided to run and also nominated Nick Greece and Stephan Mentler. As a group, we want to implement meaningful change for free flight for both hang glider and paraglider pilots alike. Instead of doing a long write-up, please take a few minutes and watch the video below, review our strategic plan, and connect if you want more information. Most importantly, vote, and if you like our plan consider voting for Nick, Stephan, and I, and spread the word.

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Re: USHPA Elections Open - Please vote

Post by lplehmann »

As Charlie posted, yes, please vote.

For most pilots the USHPA is a remote entity, something that has little to do with our daily (well, monthly) flying. Nonetheless, it is the bedrock foundation protecting our interests: site insurance and official interactions with the FAA and other public and private organizations which seek to impede our free flight privileges. Looking at Charlie's post, I saw that a mere six people on this forum had even looked at it when I did, reflecting the general community apathy towards the USHPA.

But the organization matters, and it matters greatly that smart, motivated individuals are elected to the Board of Directors. Charlie is such an individual, an active and very good pilot, someone who at his own cost has gone to the trouble of organizing competitions in order to further hang gliding activity in our Region.

He is worthy of your vote, and has gotten mine.

Please vote, for whomever it might be.

Pete Lehmann,
A long past Regional Director
Pete Lehmann
Posts: 127
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:58 pm

Re: USHPA Elections Open - Please vote

Post by callen »

Pete - Thanks so much for the words of endorsement. While Nick, Stephan, and I welcome all the support we can get even if you don't want to vote for us please vote, it literally takes less than 1 min. You should have received an email with directions. If you didn't get it search for the following Subject line: USHPA Board of Directors Election 2022 as it may be in your spam box.
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Re: USHPA Elections Open - Please vote

Post by A.Lloyd »

Good luck Charlie!
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