Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

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Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by XCanytime »

Looks great both days. Can anybody fly? Bacil
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by A.Lloyd »

I'm interested.
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by wmelo »

I will keep my eyes opened to this possibility.
I teach on Thursdays evenings :(
So only go flying on Thursdays if the conditions are really compelling

Fridays are easier to me
Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by markc »

It's still very early to call, especially for a strong front like this one.... But at the moment it looks like it will start cranking on Thursday afternoon, and then blow all night. Friday seems a bit N, but with some NNW as well. I would love to fly one of the days, trying to arrange things to make it at least possible.
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by markc »


I suppose that a timeframe tomorrow/Thursday fairly early (11am?) might allow for a flight of 1 to 2 hours before conditions start cranking?

But I'm hesitant to gamble a vacation day given that the _surface_ forecast is nearly G30 by about 2pm. Just doesn't seem like a high-percentage call, and a limited fun-factor, waiting for the strong stuff to arrive... Does anyone have a different take?

I still have Friday on my radar, but it's looking pretty darn north at the moment. Grrr!
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by markc »

Looks like there might be a bit of NW and no sfc gust-factor at the very end of the day at WStock on Friday. So I'm still somewhat interested in a late flight.... But it'll all depend on tomorrow's updates.

If they are favorable, is anyone else still considering?
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by XCanytime »

I will be at Woodstock (again) today by 3P. Bacil
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by markc »

The NWS surface hourly forecast drops the gust factor at 5pm, with two hours of daylight remaining for a flight (hopefully!).

Decent NW direction.

The ADDS 3K is fairly strong, and more northerly....

But overall I think this might be worth gambling a half-day of vacation. Will hit the road around 1:30pm unless things dramatically change.
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Re: Woodstock 9/22 - 9/23

Post by markc »

Major kudos to Bacil : He came out to WStock today with pretty much the only goal of getting others (that would be moi) into the air. I owe you dude, next one's on me!!

I bailed outta work and hit the road by 1:30. Already busy on I-66, so didn't arrive on launch until 3:30. As expected it was strong and gusty, but I started the set-up anyway in the hopes that the forecast would be accurate.

And whaddya know? Some lulls started to occur by about 4:15. I launched at 5pm. For the first time in forever (it seems to me), there were reliable cycles! With decent straight-in winds, after letting the swirly-whirlies go by. I honestly can't remember the last time that WS launch was nice/predictable, like it always was. So good, yay!

In the air, I bounced around between 1000 and 1500 over for about 1.5 hours. It was a bit strong at 1200+, and I was glad to be on a topless at times. But there were also some lower-key periods, and a few close encounters with redtails.

Toward the end of my flight there was a protracted N-cross cycle, which put me below launch. Unzipped, headed toward the old primary.... But I found a bit of lift that I rode to 450' over launch, pulled full VG, and bee-lined for the bridge field.

Still fairly strong, enough to have me debating which field I could make. But a few burbles made it clear that the bridge field was doable : Flew to the NW corner, did two altitude-burning 360s, then entered the pattern and landed.

I was surprised by the fact that there was *zero*, zip, nada in the field. What????? So although I hucked up the biggest flare that I could, it wasn't quite enough, and I didn't realize that a hard run-out would be needed. Plunked down on the basetube pretty ingloriously :roll:

But I'm still pretty happy, can't remember when the heck my last soaring flight was. 4 months? 5?

So thanks again Bacil!
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