Sacramento Friday April 22nd

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Sacramento Friday April 22nd

Post by XCanytime »

Suprisingly got off of work early at FedEx, so beelined it for the SAC. ETA 2+ hours earlier than expected. Got there at noon to find moderate to strong conditions, and sparse cumies north and east of launch. Set up and had a nice launch just after 1P w/ Joe and Karen's assistance into light to moderate conditions. Found lift east of launch and easily got up. Noticed the sky was devoid of cumies now, but headed west anyway.

Along the way found lift lines aligned to the NW. The next thing I know, I see a large eagle (an immature baldie or a golden) to my left at my altitude a few hundred over. I turn towards the bird, and it does a split S and dives away. I notice something dropping away from the bird. At first I'm thinking that it had a stick in its talons, and dropped the stick to dive after it and retrieve. On closer observation however, it ain't no stick. It's a vertical column of bird droppings :shock: . I literally scared the shit outta this juvenile :lol: . Something I'll never have happen to me again in a million years. Too funny!

Anyway, as I approached the Klingerstown Gap, the conditions deteriorated, and I found myself down to ridge level in literally a west cross on the ridge. Almost parallel to the ridge. I turn back towards launch, and I find myself screaming across the tree canopy and below ridgetop. Turn back towards the west and briefly get above the ridge, and then sink below it again. Decide to go out and land in a huge field directly in front of my position.

Had a nice landing uphill, and found myself completely electric fenced in. Broke down next to the Vista Road/Weist Road T intersection. Found the gate at the top of the field. Allan retrieved me on his way to the site. Thanks Allan! Back at launch there were infrequent moderate cycles. Allan set up quickly and had an extendo. Joe launched after Allan and had an extendo too. The flow in the valley was directly from the west; parallel to the ridge. Bacil ... 6qqebx3bb0
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Re: Sacramento Friday April 22nd

Post by LikeToFly »

Nice flight, thanks for sharing the track!

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