Hyner Labor Day

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Hyner Labor Day

Post by brianvh »

Just wanted to note that this weekend is looking really good for Hyner Labor day. We can fly with winds anywhere from NW to SW, which is exactly what we've got forecast. The only concern is the river may be too high and fast for swimming, thanks to Ida.

We camp in the LZ and have plenty of space for tents or trailers. There are hot showers for a modest fee in the state campground up the road. All information can be found at www.hynerclub.com, and if you join I can send you the insider's information. $30 for a monthly membership.

Come fly, do a cloud dive, hang out around the campfire. We'll be there with drinks in hand to welcome you.

Brian Vant-Hull
President, Hyner Hang Gliding Club
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Re: Hyner Labor Day

Post by brianvh »

I'll add that it's helpful if you download and fill out the waiver before arrival.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Hyner Labor Day

Post by krryerson »

I have sent in a request for time off from work for Fri - Sat. If I get time off, will be off Fri - Mon and will come up to Hyner on Thursday night.
Crossing my fingers for someone to pick up my work days.
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Re: Hyner Labor Day

Post by dbodner »

Most boring flight video ever.


But, it shows just how pretty a cloud dive at Hyner is. I'm flying only easy conditions on a single-surface glider now.
David Bodner
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