Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

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Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

Post by Dunegoon »

I would propose that the gate on the road was placed without the proper permit or authority. It could be a hazard and prevent access to the property. One day we could find it locked. Was this allowed by the CHGPA?
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Re: Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

Post by markc »

Yeah, there are multiple landowners along that road, including us. It would be very unfortunate if a new property owner is advocating that access should be restricted. People have been going up to watch the sunset (not to mention: get married!), and bird-watch, and hike, for *years*.

I've pulled into the site early on two occasions to find the gate closed. Not locked, fortunately. Simply undo the latch and open it up.

I'm hoping that the intent is just to cut down on late-night visits by local kids and such. I've camped up there a bunch of times, and you might be surprised (or not) at how often vehicles have pulled up in the 1:00am-or-later timeframe. :wink:
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Re: Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

Post by bustedwing2 »

The other property owners on the road had a problem with late night teenage partiers raising hell and trespassing on their properties, the people across the road from launch are nice people and had a legitimate complaint, they put the gate up after a conversation with me when they were informed the club owned the property and access could not be restricted by a lock, they agreed to just close the gate and secure it with a chain and no lock to discourage the partiers, mentioning my bolt cutters probably helped.The issue was pushed by an attorney who lives further down the road and chased a wedding reception off the launch over a year ago, he came here from the general DC area and in a pleasant conversation was informed of local usage traditions.There should be no problems with access by pilots, they normally close the gate at night. RichB
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Re: Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

Post by dbodner »

The guy across the road (assuming it's the same guy) was nice to deal with several years ago. He even offered his portapotty when it looked like we'd have a fly-in. I have his business card somewhere.

The nice house at the end of the road turned over a few years ago. The previous owner was nice. He took the lead on maintaining the road and we'd send him the occasional check. I don't know where the current owner gets off chasing a wedding party off of someone else's property.
David Bodner
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Re: Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

Post by bustedwing2 »

The guy across the road is Larry and the newer place immediate next to him are his son and family, they're local hard working blue collar people who have been taking care of the road,Larry is the same guy.The house down the end of the road is the attorney.
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Re: Gate on main entrance to CHGPA property?

Post by eggzkitz »

So far, they've told us that they only plan to shut that gate on the 4th of July, which is very difficult for them in terms of people using the road and our site. So we'll need a way to allow our members to get to the launch if they want to watch the fireworks on that one night.
Jeff Eggers
CHGPA President
USHPA 82627
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