Parking Permit?

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Parking Permit?

Post by Dunegoon »

Just happened to notice it "appears" that some kind of parking permit system is going to be put in place? Forgive me in advance if this was discussed in detail during the online meetings, but I was not able to attend them. I would like to see information like this advanced on the BB as this is the only source that many of us have.

I have grave concerns over the viability of this concept.

1) Visitors

2) Different vehicles

3) Inforcement

4) Remedy? Action or liability?
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Re: Parking Permit?

Post by eggzkitz »

Sorry, just seeing this post now. The parking permit was discussed at the February and March monthly meet ups and was agreed by the board as the minimal near-term step to address concerns with some of the neighbors that we're not doing enough to keep our site from being used by people that they don't want up there. The placard system can be used across different vehicles (print your own on the website) and visitors should be guests of any members. In terms of enforcement, we don't plan to enforce towing unless things ever get out of hand, and I think we have some other options before it would get to that. Otherwise, the placards do offer some other benefits that have been used by other clubs, to include ID of whose car is left on launch and who to call if they don't show up. But let us know about your concerns -- happy to discuss when convenient.
Jeff Eggers
CHGPA President
USHPA 82627
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