Hyner View Memorial Day Open House!

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Hyner View Memorial Day Open House!

Post by brianvh »

Hey Folks!

Brian here, former CHGPA member and current Hyner President. I tried posting in the events board, but that seems to need a review, and I'm too anxious to wait.

The Hyner Club is holding a Hyner View Open House on Memorial Day weekend! We especially want to attract new PGers up to the area, because we just don't have enough and down here in DC we figger you've got more than you can handle. We've widened and lengthened our LZs, done some extra grooming to our flat slope PG launch, and want folks to come up and enjoy it all.

We'll have a potluck meeting Saturday night (you don't have to bring anything if a newbie, just show up), and Dennis Pagen will talk about whatever topic he's hot to discuss, and local PG pilots will talk about the quirks of launching Hyner. Our main launch is a bit steep, but it can be easily launched by PG, just ask long-time member John Middleton!

But you're not coming just for the flying: you'll want to come soak in the river, or be find yourself welcomed with open arms to any campfire, and beer thrust in your hands and a chair pulled out to talk. Hyner is a place to hang out and restore your spirit, it's worth the drive.

Information about this event can be found here: http://www.hynerclub.com/openhouse.html
with more information about the club and location here: http://www.hynerclub.com

Come on up the Memorial day weekend. Spooning has a whole new meaning at Hyner, but you don't know unless you come.
Brian Vant-Hull
Posts: 1437
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:32 pm
Location: manhattan, New York

Re: Hyner View Memorial Day Open House!

Post by brianvh »

With Memorial day just a few weeks away I thought I'd bump this thread. Come up, hang out, fill your cooler and hit the road!

If you've never experienced Hyner it's an experience. Remember the focus is on being there, the flying is icing on the cake.
Brian Vant-Hull
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