Woodstock LZ : Irate landowner, old primary

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Joe Schad
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Woodstock LZ : Irate landowner, old primary

Post by Joe Schad »

Would one of our techie talented folks post an aerial map on our club web site depicting the two current approved landing fields, (The bridge field and the PG field in front or launch) in green and also Show the old Woodstock LZ shaded in red with a comment DO not land there? We apparently had some visiting PG pilots land at the old LZ recently and the owner promptly informed them they were "trespassing". We could also highlight the Idaho field in yellow to indicate you could land there if necessary but we don't have permission that I am aware of to do so. The Idaho field is not owned by the old LZ land owner.

This might reduce the number of visiting pilots from landing at the old LZ.

It was good to see 8 hang gliders fly yesterday. Hope to get back in the air in March.

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Re: Woodstock LZ : Irate landowner, old primary

Post by markc »

Apologies for changing the subject for this post, but I felt it was necessary based on last Sunday....

I stopped by the old primary with Aron, a fairly new Hang-2, who was hoping to fly Woodstock that day.

(BTW, Aron had been up top very early, and had essentially decided that conditions were too strong: too much driving, and too little sleep. He's conservative, which is a good thing to see in a new pilot. I wish I'd had that much sense on some of my own flying days!)

My thoughts were : Well, I haven't seen any signs of occupation at the house recently; the landowner is trying to sell; if a new pilot gets into trouble, then maybe it wouldn't hurt to check out the old primary, just as an emergency option; point out the topography from below, as well as above.

We'd been there for no more than two minutes when the landowner zoomed down in a golf cart and proceeded to read us the riot act. "Private property. Working farm. No parking signs at the end of the road. I'm going to call the Woodstock sheriff."

He complained that pilots had landed in the field three times in the past week.

I tried to calm the situation, many "I'm sorry", "You are right", "I apologize". He chilled out bit (but not much!). And of course, it's totally his property.

As we talked, he mentioned that some of the pilots who'd landed were from Bolivia. I asked around among the HG pilots on Sunday, and the consensus was that none of the HGers had landed there during that week (there had been several weekday flying opportunities). Gary mentioned that he'd seen some visiting PG pilots, possibly those that the landowner was complaining about?

Bottom line : He doesn't care if you are flying HG or PG, he just doesn't want you there! And if there's a landing in his field in the near future, do not be surprised if the police are called.

So... Please pass this info around. If you use the field, it will be at your own risk!
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