Flying around State College July to mid-August

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Flying around State College July to mid-August

Post by VisitingPilot »

Hi all!

I was just scanning the internet and found this forum that seems to be still active!
I'm a Belgian/Norwegian PG (level 2, ±30 flights, ±5,5hours, but very passionate already!) and would like to fly around State College.
Been looking for some areas to ground handle this ancient wing I got (Edel Space 22,, but was wondering where I could get some info on launch sites close by.
Pleasant Gap seems one of them and I saw this place was mentioned on the forum.
I found these names as well:
(Hyner club website)
- Belleville
- Purdue
- Jack's

Do you have some info on them? Where would it be best to check it out?
Are there any paragliders in or close to State College that want to meet up?

Thank you very much for any help!
Fly safe,

PS: Do mind the Edel Space 22 wing is not the one I intend to fly, just ground handling and having fun on training locations :)
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