5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Moderator: CHGPA BOD
5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
North Mountain Vineyard & Winery will be hosting a Silent Airshow on Saturday April 8th, 2017. We would like to have on display Hang Gliders and Paragliders. XC flights to the winery have been achieved, with 2 hang gliders landing there from Woodstock during the 2013 event, and 2 paragliders landing there from Edith's Gap during the 2014 event. 2015's event weather was not ideal, but then again the event was held in May, where the frequency of NW/SE weekends diminishes. Last year's event was moved to the 2nd weekend of April in hopes that the probability of a NW weekend happening would be increased. Well a NW weekend did occur, but we had high winds and snow showers on the Saturday, so indoor activities dominated the day
. Let's hope that this year's weather is much more cooperative to enable safe flights and in addition the possibility of XC flights to the winery. Bacil

Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
The extended forecast right now is painting a wonderful picture for flying at Woodstock next weekend. Saturday April 8th, the day of the event, looks better for HGers, whereas Sunday April 9th looks better for PGers. Let's hope that all will be able to fly safely at some point during the weekend and that a few can land safely at the winery on both days. Bacil
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
I know it's early yet..... But some of the forecasts for Sat that I've seen are saying that the G20+ will be gone by 4pm, with winds easing up as sunset approaches (7:30 or so). So maybe it will be a combo HG and PG day, cross your fingers!
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
GPS coordinates for the winery (approx.): N 38 degrees 56.92' W 78 degrees 28.675'. Bacil
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
When are the times for the silent air show?
When are the times for the silent air show?
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
The winery is open from 11A to 5P for the general public. At any point during that time I encourage hang glider and paraglider pilots to drop by and hang glider pilots to statically display their gliders for an hour or so and paraglider pilots to kite their gliders on the little NW facing hillside next to the winery for a little while. Right now the forecast is for WNW winds 10 to 15 MPH for Woodstock on Saturday. Pretty darn good. It should be soarable almost all day from early in the AM til late in the PM. Saturday night's forecast is WSW 5 to 10 MPH, so at some point late in the day it may go west cross. The conditions should allow a few pilots to be able to land out at the winery. Should be a fun day all around. Above all, let's fly safe and have good takeoffs and landings. Bacil
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
I'm interested in Woodstock on Saturday and would need an observer.
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Planning to go to WS tomorrow.
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
I will be there too!
But.... On a Falcon, so the flying window for me might be mid/late afternoon. We'll see, maybe I will be in the air soon enough to give NMV a try before they close.
But.... On a Falcon, so the flying window for me might be mid/late afternoon. We'll see, maybe I will be in the air soon enough to give NMV a try before they close.
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Mark the wine should be flowing until sunset and beyond, so you can land there before sunset and still be feted graciously by Dionysusmarkc wrote:I will be there too!
But.... On a Falcon, so the flying window for me might be mid/late afternoon. We'll see, maybe I will be in the air soon enough to give NMV a try before they close.

Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
ETA noon.
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Awesome flights for some today!!! Hopefully we will hear their stories later tonight/tomorrow.
After much preparation, scoping LZs, planning for NW and W-cross approaches to the vineyard.... Reality set-in just a bit. On a Falcon? Ya really think that's gonna happen? On a blue day?
Anyway. Lots of pilots out there, yay! Bacil, Charlie, Ward, John M, Joe S, myself, Gary, Knut, Tim H, Ric & Chris from way up PA, John McA, Adam, and Jon B. Plus Yvonne, and Judy, and visitors from North Mtn Vineyard, and kids who wanted to know all about flying, very cool!
I helped with a bunch of launches as strong cycles blew through all damn day. Checked the forecasts, and the hourly kept on creeping the G20+ up by an hour... Another hour.... Another hour. So I'm out there with a Falcon, never soared a single-surface in the mnts in my life, and so I'm feeling kinda conservative. Sigh.
Joe S (same glider, Falcon 170) launched around 3pm, boogied down to Strasburg, and landed not far from his house. Shoulda/coulda followed his lead, but wow, the cycles were crankin and I just wasn't seeing the fun factor for the wing.
Everyone got off the mtn, and Jon B and I decided to stick it out to the end of the day. Conditions finally lightened at 6pm, and I gave it a try with some help from Gary at about 6:30. Good launch, flew for 30 mins, but the ridge lift that I was expecting just wasn't there. There were wave clouds downwind, so maybe that was suppressing things? Been reviewing the video from the flight and it was definitely strong up there, at least for a Falcon.
Landed in the "pond field" just north of the LZ, after a couple of attempts to punch out to the bridge field. Packed up and hauled the glider and gear out to the gate, where Joe S had brought my vehicle. Wanted to keep as low a profile as possible, dinner-hour and all that. FYI, there's a family burial plot east of the house, and up under the treeline, probably not the best place to go blundering through.
Several of us rendezvous'd at The Woodstock Brewhouse after sunset, given that it was too late for NMV, grrr! But Knut and Charlie and Bacil wandered in later... And oh yeah, Bruce Engen was there too!! Lots of flying tales and many laughs, and some damn good brews followed.
After much preparation, scoping LZs, planning for NW and W-cross approaches to the vineyard.... Reality set-in just a bit. On a Falcon? Ya really think that's gonna happen? On a blue day?

Anyway. Lots of pilots out there, yay! Bacil, Charlie, Ward, John M, Joe S, myself, Gary, Knut, Tim H, Ric & Chris from way up PA, John McA, Adam, and Jon B. Plus Yvonne, and Judy, and visitors from North Mtn Vineyard, and kids who wanted to know all about flying, very cool!
I helped with a bunch of launches as strong cycles blew through all damn day. Checked the forecasts, and the hourly kept on creeping the G20+ up by an hour... Another hour.... Another hour. So I'm out there with a Falcon, never soared a single-surface in the mnts in my life, and so I'm feeling kinda conservative. Sigh.
Joe S (same glider, Falcon 170) launched around 3pm, boogied down to Strasburg, and landed not far from his house. Shoulda/coulda followed his lead, but wow, the cycles were crankin and I just wasn't seeing the fun factor for the wing.
Everyone got off the mtn, and Jon B and I decided to stick it out to the end of the day. Conditions finally lightened at 6pm, and I gave it a try with some help from Gary at about 6:30. Good launch, flew for 30 mins, but the ridge lift that I was expecting just wasn't there. There were wave clouds downwind, so maybe that was suppressing things? Been reviewing the video from the flight and it was definitely strong up there, at least for a Falcon.
Landed in the "pond field" just north of the LZ, after a couple of attempts to punch out to the bridge field. Packed up and hauled the glider and gear out to the gate, where Joe S had brought my vehicle. Wanted to keep as low a profile as possible, dinner-hour and all that. FYI, there's a family burial plot east of the house, and up under the treeline, probably not the best place to go blundering through.
Several of us rendezvous'd at The Woodstock Brewhouse after sunset, given that it was too late for NMV, grrr! But Knut and Charlie and Bacil wandered in later... And oh yeah, Bruce Engen was there too!! Lots of flying tales and many laughs, and some damn good brews followed.
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
What a great day at Woodstock. Started off meeting at the winery w/ Charley and Knut, walking the LZ and placing 3 windsocks at strategic positions. Then on to launch, with my wife Judy driving back to the winery. Set up and there were some freight trains blowing thru, but lots of smooth cycles in between. Gave it a go just after 2P in a nice smooth cycle. Did it right this time at Woodstock, powering thru the run and flying fast out of the slot. Lift everywhere so I went up to the normal staging point due SE of the winery and spent 2 hours up there, climbing 3 times to 4300' MSL and punching out into the valley but not finding any lift lines on a blue day. I finally found a 4th good climb up to 5K' MSL and decided to go for it, with plenty of fields between me and 81. Didn't find any lift lines yet again, but had a nice landing on Zion Church Road just shy of Rt. 11 at Maurertown. My college buddy who came up from Richmond to see me fly came to pick me up in our car. We had numerous people stop and chat, one of which was not pleased with me landing there. He told me that the landowner was in the hospital, otherwise he'd be on me like white on rice. He gave me stories of balloon pilots spooking cattle and the chase crews cutting chains on locked gates to retrieve the pilots. I gave him the standard politeness with irate landowners, and he simmered down and actually smiled when he left. As I was breaking down I heard Charley squawk on the radio that he was at 3400' MSL on final glide for the winery
. Got a call on the phone from him soon after; he landed at the winery! Nice! When Kenny and I pulled up to the winery, Knut's glider was parked there too
. I had predicted that at least 2 pilots should be landing at the winery between 3P and 5P, and dang if it didn't come true. Big congrats to both pilots. The stories were told as the wine flowed well past 8:30P. Then it was on to the Woodstock Brew House for a beer to cap the evening. Can't wait to read Charley and Knut's full stories and especially view their videos. Bacil

Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
A very interesting day. Yvonne came along to enjoy the festivities. I had a short thirty five minute flight to NMV that everything just fell into place.
Very lucky for sure and humbling. It was almost disappointing that it happened so quickly.
Short version... Quickly climbed to 5k MSL. Climbed "out the valley" instead of getting blown back. No messing around. Flew out the last long spine that I determined earlier would have the best chance of producing a lift line. Guess it did. Dolphin flying mostly. Flew fast with full VG and only stopped twice to thermal in the best lift. Flew almost directly there using a well developed flight plan. Even before I got to 81, I identified NMV and realized I could go on a fast final glide. Had to slow because of turbulence. Nice altitude to play, but I noticed nobody was outside. Very trashy air and I watched the windsocks change directions numerous times. Good pattern and very bumpy final to a SW landing. Not very graceful but got the job done. I would recommend to land in most open area of the field and not in close like I did. If it were always this easy.
I was in shock that I was now at the winery. Some guy walked out and commented that I set my glider up very quickly in the parking lot. LOL. I tried to explain that I just flew in, but he didn't believe me at first. I was very glad to see Yvonne make it back to the winery so we could celebrate with our friends. Thanks to the crew that helped me launch. Special thanks to Bacil for organizing the event and all the time he has spent mentoring pilots improve their skills.
It is amazing how good a glass of wine tastes after something like this.
I have some good video and pictures that I will post later.

Short version... Quickly climbed to 5k MSL. Climbed "out the valley" instead of getting blown back. No messing around. Flew out the last long spine that I determined earlier would have the best chance of producing a lift line. Guess it did. Dolphin flying mostly. Flew fast with full VG and only stopped twice to thermal in the best lift. Flew almost directly there using a well developed flight plan. Even before I got to 81, I identified NMV and realized I could go on a fast final glide. Had to slow because of turbulence. Nice altitude to play, but I noticed nobody was outside. Very trashy air and I watched the windsocks change directions numerous times. Good pattern and very bumpy final to a SW landing. Not very graceful but got the job done. I would recommend to land in most open area of the field and not in close like I did. If it were always this easy.
I was in shock that I was now at the winery. Some guy walked out and commented that I set my glider up very quickly in the parking lot. LOL. I tried to explain that I just flew in, but he didn't believe me at first. I was very glad to see Yvonne make it back to the winery so we could celebrate with our friends. Thanks to the crew that helped me launch. Special thanks to Bacil for organizing the event and all the time he has spent mentoring pilots improve their skills.
It is amazing how good a glass of wine tastes after something like this.

I have some good video and pictures that I will post later.
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Launched after Bacil, Tim and John M. around 2:16 p.m., in a nice smooth cycle. Thanks for all help at the launch.
Found it to be warm and nice. Radioed down that condition was superb. Perhaps for Falcons too? No problems ever during the flight, with conditions too strong, pushing me behind the ridge. It was easy to stay up front and ahead. Fantastic thermals too.
Was not getting cold, not having to deal with too strong wind, waves and more. Loved every minute in the air; so, early on decided to fly for hours, getting out some of the winter rust.
Many of us flew with radio communication and found Bacil after 15 minutes, working with him, trying to get out in the valley, without losing too much height.
But, gave up from the Wright Ridge, which is the direct flight path from the ridge to the winery.
Flew back to the launch and spotted Gary, Ric & Chris from PA in the air. Had some nice thermals with Ric and by then decided to try fly back out in the valley, drifting with a south valley wind.
Found good lift and by then, it was a no-brainer to go for the North Mtn Vineyard. Plenty of LZ.
To play safe, landed in North Mtn Vineyard neighbor field, during a nice smooth cycle.
Was offered a free glass of wine by the cellar and joined Bacil, Charley, wife’s and friends, friend’s friends, with flight stories, laughter and toasts.
As Bacil summed it up, we all ended up at the WS brewery.
What a great day, but late night home.
If interested, flight can be viewed in Doarama link below.
Thanks again!
Found it to be warm and nice. Radioed down that condition was superb. Perhaps for Falcons too? No problems ever during the flight, with conditions too strong, pushing me behind the ridge. It was easy to stay up front and ahead. Fantastic thermals too.
Was not getting cold, not having to deal with too strong wind, waves and more. Loved every minute in the air; so, early on decided to fly for hours, getting out some of the winter rust.
Many of us flew with radio communication and found Bacil after 15 minutes, working with him, trying to get out in the valley, without losing too much height.
But, gave up from the Wright Ridge, which is the direct flight path from the ridge to the winery.
Flew back to the launch and spotted Gary, Ric & Chris from PA in the air. Had some nice thermals with Ric and by then decided to try fly back out in the valley, drifting with a south valley wind.
Found good lift and by then, it was a no-brainer to go for the North Mtn Vineyard. Plenty of LZ.
To play safe, landed in North Mtn Vineyard neighbor field, during a nice smooth cycle.
Was offered a free glass of wine by the cellar and joined Bacil, Charley, wife’s and friends, friend’s friends, with flight stories, laughter and toasts.
As Bacil summed it up, we all ended up at the WS brewery.
What a great day, but late night home.
If interested, flight can be viewed in Doarama link below.
Thanks again!
Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Finally had some time to put a video together. Some entertaining moments and cool video thermalling out in the valley with the mountain in the background. Climb fast and glide faster! Not much of a flight, but it sure was fun! What a beautiful place and great wine.


Re: 5th Annual Silent Airshow 4/8/17
Nice video! Congratulations!!! I am also impressed you reached there so high and so quickly
Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com