New Club Web Site?

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New Club Web Site?

Post by CraginS »

Do I recall correctly that there is a new CHGPA web site being developed? I thought i saw mention of such activity in a recent forum post.

If so, what will the disposition be of the forum software?
Will phpBB remain the tool?
Is the plan to use only the new Google Group? If so, I have several problems with that choice.

If we are looking at alternative forum solutions, I'd like to have XenForo considered:

I do not know the cost or admin overhead, but I am using it on another special interest site lately
and am very impressed with its features; it is far more robust than phpBB.

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Re: New Club Web Site?

Post by mingram »

Yes, the website is nearing completion. I'm excited to show it to everyone soon.

We're planning to keep the old phpBB forum, since it has a lot of history and is public. The private google group is only for members.

I haven't seen those forums, but will defer to Mark on whether we'd want to switch. Not sure what the benefits are...
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Re: New Club Web Site?

Post by markc »

AFAIK, phpBB is the only FREE forum solution for organizations like ours, *with* a good security track-record. Basically, go to ANY high-volume club website and see what they are running.... It will be pbpBB, for good reason (did I mention free?).

So..... If you are looking for bang-for-the-buck.... We are already there.

Sure, we could jump on the Google bandwagon... But do you REALLY want to do that?

Let's hear some specifics, exactly WHAT is it that you need? If it can't be accommodated with the current solution, then we need to know!
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Re: New Club Web Site?

Post by CraginS »

Thanks for the update. I agree with Mark that free and reliable are significant core features. Preserving the archive of threads is a good thing.

I have no particular focus on other features. I am pretty sure that Xenforo has some level of cost. It does have some cool features on tracking comments and hosting side discussions that would be nice if we had more basic reasons for abandoning phpBB; we really don't.
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