The fissure over fisher

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The fissure over fisher

Post by jimrooney »

My 1st grad teacher always told me that one day my lack of spelling skills would get me in trouble. That seems to be the case today.

I took Richard up on his offer and gave him a call. The phone proved far quicker and better than the internet (no shock there).

Me and Richard were indeed talking about the same Tim Hurrlinger (I've probably spelled his name wrong again) and all is wonderful in the land of OZ.

Once I posted up about Tim's hills, Richard realized that Tim Harlinger was actually Tim Hurrlinger and he knew him well. In fact, he's the one that signed Tim off on foot launching.

Till then, Richard was (rightfully) concerned that I was attempting to teach footlaunch on the mountain! Whew, that would have been an issue!

I'm glad it was all just a big disconnect and I appologise profusely for my horrid lack of spelling skills. I hope this has at least been entertaining.

Tim finally got to fly the mountains
We had some lively entertainment on the group
And I got to have a very pleasant converstation with Richard (whom I haven't met till today).

Alls well that ends well eh?
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The fissure over fisher

Post by rs54263 »

>>My 1st grad teacher always told me that one day my lack of spelling
skills would get me in trouble. That seems to be the case today.<<

Yeah, and it's "Fisher Road", not "Ficher Road". :-)

>>I think we might all be on the same page here and just not know each
other well enough to know it.<<

There exactly is the reason for people reacting - this is a small
community, and it's extremely uncommon for us to NOT know the people
flying at our sites. So, we have a tendency to regard "strangers" with
a bit of suspicion. (And Jim, you're stranger than most...) <g>

We're all just trying to protect our sport!

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