Woodstock weekend?

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Woodstock weekend?

Post by XCanytime »

Now that there is no hurricane to goober up the long range forecast, the pattern is looking good for 2 excellent flyable XCable days in a row :D . Bacil
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by wmelo »

Let us keep the finger crossed.
Walt Melo
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by krryerson »

Hoping Sunday will be flyable and will without doubt go flying, if forecast predicting good condition for HG.
Saturday is an option too; but, Sunday will work best for me... .
Have not been to Woodstock in a while and hoping WS will have a good HG forecast for this weekend.
Never the less, willing go to PA too, if needed.
When it comes to LZ's: Planning to go XC... .
Keep me posted.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by markc »

Been waiting for the forecasts to catch up with my hopes! NW15G20+ for Saturday (at the moment), just perfect if that comes to pass. Prob won't be looking for a big XC flight, I'd be plenty happy with just a fun one. Possibility that Sunday could also work, when's the last time that happened? Fingers crossed!
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by Joe Schad »

The bridge field is clear of crops. Farmer harvested soybean a week ago. Slot is in pretty good shape as well.

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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by bowen.tim »

Are the "no tresspassing" signs down too in the Bridge field? I think a previous post stated the farmer posted the signs after the last incident there.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by krryerson »

Not sure about the LZ, perhaps some of the local pilots would know.
Anyway, now it looks like Saturday is going to be too windy for Pulpit and WS, but according to a new weather service Ventusky.com, which does have a lot of information, WS on Sunday seems to be what I will bet on for now.
Looks like the wind direction will be good too.
Check it out at https://www.ventusky.com
Any inputs?
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by markc »

Yeah, not liking the trend, looking pretty darn strong on Sat.

If things don't improve, will probably be weighing a cross-W day at WS on Sunday vs. a late-day backoff at the Pulpit. We will see!
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Saturday’s Midday forecasts: 35 mph plus gusts at both WS and Pulpit, but it’s ~40 hrs out so maybe they’re off (I’m guessing they’re accurate as all three models are agreeing). Going to the Pulpit to checkout the ramps on Saturday and planning on an early launch at WS on Sunday - if the casts hold.

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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by Dunegoon »

Family obligation on Saturday. Looking for 4:00PM flight at the Pulpit on Sunday.

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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by markc »

I've all-but-pulled-the-plug for Sat at WS (though as we all know, forecasts can change). Leaning toward Sunday, some hints that there will be a touch of NW in the W....
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by flymiller8 »

I would very much like to finally fly Woodstock if any observer available Sunday.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by Dan T »

I thought I read a post from Patrick Terry saying that Woodstock would be closed for a while. He has a construction crew coming to finish cleaning up and seeding the slot.


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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by mingram »

It's open this weekend. Official work starts on Monday which will require site closure which will hopefully be done before the end of the week.

Sunday, Monday, and/or Tuesday
1) DRONE. Drone & Video Camera we can use at Woodstock on Sunday? We need “before" images of the launch before the renovation starts.
2) CHAINSAW: (USFS Cert) Operator. We have some additional tree work to complete.
3) CLEARING: Pruning, Cutting, Brush Removal, Etc.
4) HAULING: Material Movement to site.
5) BUILDING: Bench & Sign Construction.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by krryerson »

Still considering going to WS tomorrow.
Some weather channels indicates west cross on launch, other suggests straight in on launch, 1:00 PM. Then we do have the Woodstock effect too... .
Though, if I can't fly, there will be a lot of VOLUNTEER work to be done.
Any inputs?
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by markc »

I think WS could be good tomorrow, though won't make the final call until checking conditions tomorrow. Will be looking to head out early regardless, hope to be on the road by 8am.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by krryerson »

ETA 10:00 am. Going to be a WS day for me.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by silverwings »

I am planning on coming to assist some in cleanup and possibly fly.
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by XCanytime »

Stayed overnight Saturday in Strasburg to get a jump on things at Woodstock early. Got to launch around 9A to find it wafting gently up the slot. Mark C. showed up by 10A as I was setting up. Knut and Joe Schad rounded out the pilot contingent as I took to the skies around 12 noon. Launch was good and turned left into the expected west cross and was not disappointed. A bit of turbulence associated with lift was encountered and the lift part got me 200' above the ridge. It was very cross on the ridge so I decided to try to fly fast towards the Edinburg Gap and stage opposite the part of the ridge that curls around facing due west. Encountered heavy rotor so I abandoned that plan and headed back towards launch. Flew out away from the mountain and found a thermal that got me to 1K' over. Decided to invest that altitude in running up to Signal Knob with a nice tailwind in hopes of hopping OTB to the Front Royal Airport. Made it up to Signal Knob quickly, experiencing some very strong lift and sink along the way. Staged in front of the Strasburg Reservoir and hung out looking for a ticket outta there. Found some light lift that was drifting straight for the airport, so I committed and tried to hang with it as I drifted over towards Buzzard Rock. The lift died and I topped out at 3700' MSL and glided towards the airport. Saw that I was not going to make the airport unless I found some lift so I committed to 2 LZs in the vicinity. The 2nd LZ was by a major road so I beelined it there and had a nice landing in a huge cut field by Wakeman Mill Road. Some nice folks from the house across the street gave me cold water to drink while I broke down. Jon Brantley came and retrieved me w/ no problems finding me. Thanks Jon! Back at launch Joe, Knut, and Mark C. decided to break down due to the less than optimum conditions that I reported. I led Knut to the North Mountain Winery, and he was able to do some wine tasting and purchase 2 bottles of wine for him and his wife. We then joined Joe and Mark on Joe's porch across from the Strasburg Hotel for some snacks and libations. I bolted early to get home and have steamed crabs with the missus. Bacil
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by krryerson »

Really wanted to fly, but never did feel good about the launch condition's. Further, special after getting reports back from Bacil and Hugh's sailplane flight in Front Royal. Very, very unstable condition's, with strong wind aloft... .

Though, below is a picture of the Sunday Woodstock launch renovation project crew and thanks for all the work you guys did.

But, it was great being out on the mountain in a fantastic fall weather, but it always sucks not being able to fly.

Joe's porch across from the Strasburg Hotel: Joe, thanks for the premium beer and snacks; but next time, I will need support from a person that is on my political view/side. 3 against one... .:( But I know I am right :)


[URL=http://s959.photobucket.com/user/K ... .jpg[/img][/url]
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Re: Woodstock weekend?

Post by XCanytime »

Update from Hugh: a few private ships launching from Front Royal Airport got to 14,000' MSL in wave yesterday, encountering winds up to 50 knots. Bacil
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